Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CASTIEL (Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level)
Período documentado: 2021-09-01 hasta 2022-12-31
High Performance Computing (HPC) is heavily used in sectors such as automotive, health, climate, engineering, chemistry and biology but also increasingly in tackling societal challenges, such as climate change, migration policies or energy and food supply. The use of HPC helps us to understand natural behaviours or leads to a more efficient use of resources. In addition, by combining HPC with High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are able to overcome barriers to testing in real-world environments and achieve a much better convergence of assumptions that avoid high costs and risks while constantly reducing time to solution. HPC centres worldwide are collaborating with their user communities in different disciplines and application-areas, and offer well-defined centre-specific mechanisms to support their user needs. The EuroHPC JU is strongly focused on building a European HPC ecosystem comprising exascale supercomputer systems, advanced applications, services and tools, skills and know-how.
In particular, the skills sector is of paramount importance. In this sector there is a variety of maturity levels throughout Europe. Whilst some countries have been investing over a long period a significant amount of money in making their HPC widely usable by industry and academia, some others were simply not able to do so – either due to their economic situation or a late understanding of the significant innovations and benefits, HPC, HPDA, and AI can bring for their citizens, researchers and their industries. Therefore, in CASTIEL the different level of maturity between the different participating states in EuroCC are taken into account, so that skills gaps will be closed while evolving existing mature concepts. CASTIEL's main objectives are therefore the Identification of the available competences in each single nation, support of training potentials of the NCCs, as well as industrial outreach and Business Development. Additionally, NCCs are supported in awareness creation and the establishment of a EuroHPC NCC brand. Hence, CASTIEL acts as a single reference point for the NCCs and provides quick access to knowledge, tools, and expertise.