Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SOILdarity (Stepping up and bringing out the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in soil research of the University of Lisbon)
Période du rapport: 2021-12-01 au 2023-08-31
SOILdarity was based on a comprehensive scientific strategy build upon 3 impact- oriented areas of research:
1) water management and optimisation of the use of wastewater;
2) combination of biofertilizer application with precision agriculture techniques and technologies;
3) cross-cutting issues, such as sustainable business modelling, responsible research and innovation, research methodology, and gender equality.
A four-pillar synchronic approach supported the main operational objectives of the project: Step up; Extend; Consolidate and Enable.
The main contribution of SOILdarity was to consolidate FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS’s status as a leading research centre in the field of soil management and protection and its positioning within the European research landscape. In qualitative terms, SOILdarity is contributing to a higher level of soft skill e.g. self-confidence, self-discipline in research etc. for the researchers at FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS.
In this reporting period SOILdarity has developed the following activities:
2 research training activities on paper and proposal writing, knowledge transfer, project funding, and formulating of joint research project proposals .
3 specialized multi-module training activities: “Optimisation of the use of treated waste waters as a source for alternative fertilisers”, “Soil ecology in dry ecosystems” and “Use of sensor-based technology to measure soil fertility parameters”, of which implemented the course “Optimisation of the use of treated waste waters as a source for alternative fertilizers”.
3 webinars on: 1) How to develop soil monitoring programs to support the agenda 20-30; 2) Soil fertility in salt affected areas; and 3) Re-forestation as a way to improve soil quality.
3 virtual training courses “Virtual training programme on upgrading administrative skills” addressed to FC.ID and Ciências’ administration staff to consolidate their research management capacities and administrative skills.
1 tailored PhD program enrolling 3 PhD students.
15 short term scientific missions
Submitted more than 10 project proposals at the EU level (including one developed by the ESR), of which 4 were approved (ECHO, SOILL, Forest4EU, agPPe).
Published 8 manuscripts in the framework of SOIldarity
Promoted awareness events, one in Brussels.
Participated in several conferences and seminars targeting at distinct audiences.
In quantitative terms, improving research excellence through increased number of scientific publications in Scopus indexed journals and increased capacity to compete for funding, increased international reputation, extension of the network of contacts and international collaborations with EU research and innovation actors. In qualitative terms, SOILdarity contributed to higher level of soft skill e.g. self-confidence, self-discipline in research etc. for the researchers at FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS.
Soildarity contributed to: highlight the value of the endogenous biological soil resources and promote their valorisation as products (mushrooms) or tools (biofertilizers); implement and real time analysis of soil fertility using proximal sensing techniques; and to develop co-creative scenarios to implement sustainable agriculture techniques.
The interaction with the society made clear that there are scientific and technical solutions that have great potential to promote soil health and agriculture sustainability but are poorly or not adopted by the stakeholders. This issue was addressed in several project activities (Awareness event in Brussels; and Final Project event in Lisbon) leading to the implementation of a seminal living lab in the south of Portugal (Alentejo), and to a PhD thesis on “The role of living labs in smart farming uptake and in rural entrepreneurship”.
SOILdarity made the FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS researchers more open to perform multidisciplinary projects and to be involved in new business models, as those associated with the exploitation of soil endogenous resources (mushrooms, plant growth promoting bacteria, biofertilizer design) or with service providers (soil fertility analyses, soil health analyses) among others.
However, the strong legacy of SOILdarity is a team ready to embrace new challenges and find solutions to promote sustainable agriculture practices focused on soil as a life supporting system.