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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2020-12-01 to 2022-02-28

The SurfBio project adresses the interdisciplinarity of a new scientific field, colloid biology, with the goal to develop the Innovation Hub on Colloid Biology, which will interconnect the state-of-the-art technologies used in biophysics, biochemistry and biology. Twinning activities of JSI, the coordinator, with research partners University of Burgos (UBU), Gent University (GU), Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and AXIA, a private SME for catalyzing innovation for the core of the project, focusing on state-of-the-art analytical methods for studying cell-cell and cell-surface interactions and improving JSI research and managerial capabilities, strengthenig the consortium, ensuring grant sustainability and promoting the new scientific field of colloid biology. The SurfBio Innovation Hub will address EU strategic areas: health and medicine, design of advanced materials, sustainable food production and networks for the transition to a circular economy, translating to improved bioremediation of the polluted environments, production of biopharmaceuticals, sustainable production and processing of functional, utilization of secondary raw materials in metallurgy and the food industry. The project activities have been started with the goal to find synergies between different research groups of the project coordinator and between project partners
In WP 1 a review of different types of technologies for studying the interactions between microbial cells and colloids as well as microbial cells and surfaces led to training of the coordinator’s researchers to upgrade the coordinator’s R&D capacities and to the preparation of a specialized handbook on the methodologies used in cell aggregation and biofilm development studies. The training activities were implemented as a webinar series. In WP2 the activities were devoted to introducing the state-of-the-art of the wet-dry methodologies for studying cell-surface and cell-cell interactions based on system biology. The extensive collection of materials in the different aspects of omics data generation, analysis and integration has led to the preparation of a review article, currently being finalized. The training was organized as a series of webinars complemented with practical training sessions, and the training in FAIR data management in the life sciences was also supported by a handbook of good practices. All webinars and training materials are available at the SurfBio project web-page. Furtheron, WP3, starting on month 12, aimes to implement different techniques in colloid biology through the training of researchers at different levels and specialities. The preparatory phase for development of the international Master Degree and PhD programs including colloid biology were initiated at UBU and JSI, respectively. JSI selected a prospective PhD student that will be an integral person working between the JSI and project partners. Meetings with different H2020 projects such as GREENER and DIAGONAL were arranged in order to organize a training school in Spring 2023. Platforms for MOOC preparation have been initiated. The planning for the working visits of partner institutions in order to obtain particular knowledge has been performed. The initial steps in the preparation of the necessary infrastructure for the SurfBio interactome database has been performed in order to secure computational power, connecting with the ITC department and determining database platforms. In WP4 a detailed work plan for all the tasks has been drafted, to establish the research and applications driven Innovation Hub on Cell- Cell-Surface Interaction, and to find governmental, industrial and societal synergies. Under this scope, AXIA prepared a draft Statute of the Professional Association that is the first step towards the Innovation Hub establishment and the GAC constitution. Additionaly, work on Data Management Plan has been performed, gathering information from partners on data generated processes through questionnaires and surveys, supported with specific training. A patent landscape analysis has also been performed as part of the SurfBio IPR management activities. In WP5 different communication and dissemination actions have been carried out by all partners, where communication is aimed at the general public, while dissemination tries to reach a specialised and technical audience, i.e. scientific and research community. Alltogether, three handbooks have been created and four scientific articles have been published. A total of 129 publications have been made on social media platforms, with more than 6.000 users reached. On the other hand, two workshops for children have been organised and corporate material has been created to be exhibited at events or disseminated online. The project management in WP6 was initially divided into the financial, administrative and content management subgroups. To appropriately implement the ongoing project activities, the consortium first held a kick-off meeting, then established monthly meetings and one-on-one meetings between partners and the coordinator to exchange information and address all pending issues. Due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, all these activities were organized online in the form of online conferences and joint online editing of documents. The WP7, work package dealing with Ethics requirements took minor efforts from all project partners. Since the research objects with which researchers will be trained are potentially bio-, chemically and radio- hazardous the national legislations and appropriate authorisations have been examined and confirmed, respectively, for each of the involved facilities, so that all the activities that are needed for the execution of the project will be carried out without any complications.
Colloid biology is a new scientific field not familiar to a wider scientific odience, as are colloid physics and chemistry. The SurfBio project is sheding light on the new interdisciplinary field by connecting biology, physics and chemistry when studying (bio)colloids, particularly when it comes to using different methodoloiges and terminology to interpret the studied phenomena. Training activities will brige the gap between disciplines and ensure sustainability of the research field. Staff training and exchange and education of master and PhD students using 4 new curricula will thus be implemented. Colloid biology is placed within the nexus between basic and applied science, that is why the project must establish the Colloid biology innovation hub and the interactome database as well as standardize colloid biology methodologies and initiate collaboration with the industry. Activities will focus on attracting and collaborating with the green, brown and white biotechnology industries in order to support bioremediation activities, combining materials with microbial cells, valorizing the wastes such as lignin and developing new carrier technologies for application of microbes in the health industry. Engaging different NGOs, schools and general audience, colloid biology will be diseminated to the general public.
Where the colloid biology approach can be exploited