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Enhanced Networking on Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance with Next Generation Sequencing

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AmReSu (Enhanced Networking on Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance with Next Generation Sequencing)

Período documentado: 2020-10-01 hasta 2021-12-31

Our project “Enhanced networking on antimicrobial resistance surveillance with NGS” brings together Semmelweis University (SU) and Klinika Za Infektivne Bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljevic (BFM) with two internationally leading research institutions, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM), University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) and the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands (IdISBa) , on the topic of Antimicrobial resistance surveillance with whole genome sequencing (WGS) in correlation next-generation sequencing techniques.

Our aim in AmReSu is to strengthen, to the highest European level, Semmelweis University (SU)’s and Klinika Za Infektivne Bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” (BFM)’s scientific excellence and innovation capacity in Antimicrobial resistance surveillance and to set-up an ‘Antimicrobial resistance surveillance vision’ in Hungary and Croatia.
Strenghtening antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance is also in line with the Hungarian National Smart Specialisation Strategy and the Croatian National Programe for Antibiotic Resistance Control.

AMR bacterial infections are a global threat, they are responsible for increased morbidity and mortality rates in Hungary and Croatia, especially in cases of nosocomial infection.
Many previously manageable bacterial infections are becoming increasingly hard to treat. Rising rates of resistance amplify the morbidity and economic burden associated with infections.
An estimated 700,000 deaths attributable to AMR every year in the world, and a projected 10 million deaths per year by 2050 in the absence of additional control measures. It is an important global economic and a societal challenge that needs a multi-sectoral approach involving different sectors.
The core activities of our project are knowledge transfer, exchanges of best practices via a number of institutional networking and training activities, including workshops, conferences, summer schools. to a new level, promoting research excellence in AMR and Microbiome with strong societal impact. Our proposed actions will strengthen joint research programmes in Europe.

The objectives of AmReSu:
Obj1.: Raise the research profile of SU and BFM and their Early stage/Experienced researchers involved in the domain of antimicrobial resistance-related research and development and boost opportunities for research collaborations with the partnering institutions.
Obj2.: Promote a culture of research project development & management and entrepreneurship in SU and BFM community of postgraduate students and early-career researchers via dedicated virtual (online) training
Obj3.: Leverage the academic excellence of UAntwerp and the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, as well as synergies between the Smart Specialization Strategies of the 4 countries involved.
Obj4.: Create twinning groups alongside 2 subdomains such as antimicrobial resistance at the bacterial strain level and antimicrobial resistance in the human host (resistome).
Obj5.: Execute staff-exchanges and expert visits

Supported under the call H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5
Grant agreement ID: 952491
Project duration: 01/10/2020-30/09/2023
EU contribution: € 899 995 (100% funding rate)
During RP1 AmReSu team has been working on the long-term research strategical collaboration on the topic of Antimicrobial resistance surveillance with whole genome sequencing (WGS) in correlation next-generation sequencing techniques.
This strategy encompasses the exchange of knowledge and researchers between the consortium’s institutions that build the capacity of the already existent scientific and innovative potential of SU and BFM.

We, the Consortium is also engaged with the organization of communication and dissemination activities that are relevant tools to help raising the research profile of the widening partners.

The achievements of AmReSu during the first period are summed up below:
• 1 on-the-spot AmReSu project management event (1st year reporting meeting) was organized and monthly status meetings were held online due to the pandemic (WP2);
• 3 webinars were organized by UAntwerp in WP3
• 16 students from SU and BFM participated on the webinars in WP3
• 1 staff exchange to IdISBA was organized with 3 young researchers from SU and BFM (WP4);
• lectures given by IdISBA during the staff exchange (WP4)
• 3 mentored young researchers of SU (2) and BFM (1) by IdISBA (WP4)
• 1 Phd of BFM targeting epidemiology and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria under the mentorship of IdISBA
• Several communication activities performed through the website, social media, logo, meetings with industry and research groups, among others (WP5)
• 4 Open Access publications are under preparation (WP5)
• 1 expert visit to SU was realized from BFM (WP6)

As the results of the technical work packages, joint studies and publications are under preparation by the collaborative partners. We are also progressing with the joint research, innovation and educational activities to enforce internationalization and research management of SU and BFM.
The work covered by this report enhanced the scientific capacity of SU and BFM on Antimicrobial resistance surveillance with WGS in correlation next-generation sequencing techniques by exchanging knowledge among partners, by strengthening the research management skills of the widening partners, and by giving a growing visibility of Hungarian and Croatian research on the field of AMR both nationally and internationally.
The current state of the art places infection, microbiome at the centre of many age-related disorders such as increased risk of infection for several pathogens, diabetes and metabolic syndromes. In a time when Europe faces several health threats due to infectious disease outbreaks from outside Europe such as the recent Ebola outbreaks, or multidrug-resistant high risk international bacterial clones. AmReSu resistance is in a unique position to provide Europe with needed tools to effectively understand basic and translational factors of host-microbe interactions and therefore directly impacts the areas of self –care, personalized health advice and public health policy. Through the deep engagement ongoing projects with our partners AmReSu resistance will guarantee that the knowledge related will underpin future innovations and advancements to the benefit of the European citizens.

Through AmReSu resistance we intend to contribute to the country-specific recommendations issued by the EC for improving Hungarian and Croatian economic performance. In AmReSu resistance we aim to successfully contribute to better integration in regional, national and European business tissue (WP5). AmReSu resistance will also contribute to European 2020: placing SU at the forefront of the competitive international research institutions in this way continuing its policy of attracting top researchers and thus contributing to reduce brain drain to a more efficient national research system as well as to an open labour market; cementing a sustainable R&D+I collaborative network between SU and BFM and two internationally-leading research institutes; UAntwerp and IdISBa, in this way contributing to optimal transnational cooperation and competition; promoting gender balance reflected in the female staff percentage of the consortium; establishing an innovation ecosystem centered at SU with a focus on collaboration with external stakeholders.
main goal of AmReSu
need for AmReSu
aim of AmReSu