Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MUSICODE (An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modeling & design platform enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the organic and large area electronics industry)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31
WP2 (Development of multiscale modelling tools): modeling methods from lowest (more-detailed) to the highest (less-detailed) scales, including many cross -scale methods. Full multiscale simulations on many materials and materials’ properties (structural, optical, electrical, thermodynamic), on microstructure evolution, on slot-die printing, film drying, gas phase deposition of materials, and on OPV and OLED device and panel operation.
WP3 (Model validation by analytical characterization): functional layers and devices involving different materials combinations fabricated, including full functional devices, electron- and hole-only devices, direct and inverted architectures, and single film layers. Reproducible and reliable measurements at all materials and device levels with full set of data on structural, optical, and electrical properties, were used to compare and validate the multiscale models and workflows.
WP4 (Development of Open Innovation Modelling Platform): the Execution Layer, the Data Management System, and the Workflow Editor were fully developed and released, including model servers, scheduler, monitoring service, 3rd party tool (software, BDSS, etc) connections, full complex workflow capabilities, workflow validator, 3rd party HPC integration. Demonstration of several full end-to-end loops, i.e. from design, to database, to data collection, to execution, and back to posting (Fig. 1 depicts the user experience and Fig. 2 the platform architecture).
WP5 (Cooperation with EU stakeholders for population of the workflows): full OLAE ontology (materials, devices, modelling, characterization) completed, reviewed by EMMO, published, and extended with tools for automatic data translation across different platforms. Platform interfaced with 3rd party HPC resources, Marketplaces, BDSSs, etc. Fruitful cooperation with other projects, industry, and wider community, with regular calls and organization of workshops.
WP6 (User Cases): (a) EOD, HOD, and OPV devices with doped materials were fabricated and modelled, illuminating the dopant effects on the mobility and performance of organic electronic materials. (b) Ternary OPVs were fabricated, some showing record performance, and modelled, to understand and optimize ternary formulations in advanced OPVs. (c) OE materials deposited through a low-pressure gas line, and modelled, to understand and optimize OVPD deposition process and OLED performance. (d) Industrial modelling workflow (digital twin) of roll-to-roll printing (slot-die and dryer), with direct correspondence to actual fabrication pilot-line. All 4 above cases are operated on the MUSICODE platform in full end-to-end execution loops.
WP7 (Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities): definitions for exploitable innovations, effective exploitation, knowledge management and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Drafting of the preliminary business plan for a new legal entity after the end of the project. Setup and maintenance of website, OwnCloud server, social media, and other dissemination material/platforms. 64 conference presentations, 9 publications, 5 trainings, 7 workshops, 2 summer schools. 1 joint key exploitable result, several individual ones, 3 initial market assessments.
• New domain ontology “OLAE” reviewed/approved by EMMO, with automatic data translation across platforms
• Open-source software “PolarShift” for atomistic partial charges and polarizabilities
• Full suite of multiscale models validated against structural, optical, and electrical property prediction
• Band gap benchmarking of 1297 3D Perovskite structures
• All types of doped materials and devices fabricated, characterized, and modelled
• Ternary materials modelled and OPV devices with record (>17% performance) fabricated
• CFD solver and multiscale workflow for low-pressure gas flow line conditions
• Model for self-absorption and photon recycling in OPVs and OLEDs
• CFD solver and workflow for industrial spec printing and drying of thin films
• Full modelling platform integrated, interconnected, and operational
• Plug-ins to all 3rd party infrastructures (solvers, HPCs, Marketplace, BDSS, etc)
• Demonstrations of multiscale end-to-end workflows (Editor-DMS-MuPIF-HPC-MuPIF-DMS)
By the project end MUSICODE will:
• Finalize interconnections of partial workflows from the electronic to continuum scales
• Finalize validations of modelling protocols for OLAE materials and processes
• Demonstrate seamless/flawless end-to-end execution across all connected 3rd party HPC facilities
• Finalize business plan and create new legal entity to exploit the project results
MUSICODE’s impacts:
• Streamlined seamless modelling workflows will empower non-expert industry users towards innovation and improved competitiveness.
• Rapid deployment of modelling solutions, workflow design flexibility and rapid feedback from modelling will enable new applications in sensing, wearables, communications, IoT, etc.
• Reuse of material modelling knowledge and expertise will enable cross-industry fertilization and eliminate gaps in translation.
• Increase of the employment opportunities in EU Industries and of the digital skills of experts and workers in industry.