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Science in the City

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SitC (Science in the City)

Reporting period: 2020-07-01 to 2021-05-31

1. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, we had to face an uncertain situation where participants had a lack of interest to attend the festival but eventually, we gave them a solid plan which included all police, health and safety, and risk management strategies that supported their activities and participation within the festival.

2. o The main message was that researchers and science are all around us, which remains the motto of the European Researchers' Nights , the value to society, the opportunities for anyone to engage in research and in turn the empowerment this provides to society

o The overriding message was that science is relevant to both girls and boys and that science can ‘engage, empower and enable’ citizens to become active in their local communities and also to stimulate young people to embark on scientific careers)

3 Overall objectives

1.2 Engage audiences in new ways;
1.3 Empower audience with critical creative thinking;
1.4 Enable the audience to become active and responsible citizens straight from the safety of their own home;.
As always SitC showcased the work of Maltese scientists and artists but on an international level. This year, we reached 468,079 unique users who had any content from our Facebook Page entering their screen compared to a higher total reach of 518,991 people in 2019. The population of Malta is just below half a million. Our campaign was intense, innovative, focused, and targeted different sections of the groups of people that make up the public. We again managed to tap into as much free coverage as possible.

Awareness campaign - WP 1

Overview of the results
o In the 7-week public relations build-up for the Festival,
● 7 press releases
● 53 press clippings
● broadcasts + 5 interviews on the five main TV stations and 4 online interviews
● 8 interviews were broadcasts on radio stations
● 3 articles, interviewing the scientists and the organizers
● 70 direct press references
● 3 interviews and 1 feature for Science in the City in the press
● Facebook reached between 20 and 27th September, over 100,000 per day.
● Website 10,000 views.

Activities during the Night Work Package 2

A number of local organizations sponsored or set up their own activities on European Researchers’ Night. With 450,000 people reached, 60 organizations, 70 partners, 10 core team members, 4 volunteers, 2 photographers and videographers and 3 hosts, 118 researchers, 50 organizations or participants who came to the studio over the three days, this EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) awarded national festival is beginning to attract more and more artists, government agencies, private companies and scientists from Malta and beyond.
Over 40 activities up from 35 last year and 21 from 2019 were held online. 10 activities in the pre-festival event, 4 activities in the live virtual festival on 27th November in the European Researchers’ Night, 17 activities on Saturday 28th November and 14 activities on Sunday 29th November.
The 3-day festival was heavily supported by our intern team who worked day and night to see the activities through. The funds required for their remuneration was obtained from the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy, Edward Scicluna. who supported us with a 10,000EUR sponsorship. SitC aimed to attract citizens of all ages and backgrounds while focusing on the whole family. It has created tailored activities for specific target groups (teenagers, young professionals, pensioners and so on).

Dissemination level
Final report on impact assessment of SitC produced by QA (Partner 4) which will be open access. The report
included the number of responses of both the pre-and post-surveys, the tools used, the main trends and conclusions.
The questionnaires and interviews were made available. The streamlined evaluation across multiple ERNs
means that our evaluation report could also include considerations on how findings are similar or different to the
overall results across the participating ERNs. The evaluation report was professionally graphic designed using
images from our ERN- as well as infographics- to enhance its ‘shareability’ both for those involved in our ERN and
to share with others running ERNs elsewhere.
The impact on respondents’ attitudes is not clearly defined but hints at a slight upward trend after the event.

o Increase in the awareness of the importance of research and innovation;

o More favorable general attitude towards its funding;

o Better understanding of the key benefits that research brings to society

o Reduction in the stereotypes about researchers;

o Increase of young people taking up research careers ….
o Improvement of the quality and effectiveness of the festival’s public engagement approach.