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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

European Researchers' Night Cymru - Making a Difference in Wales

Description du projet

Discussion avec des chercheurs à Cardiff

La Nuit européenne des chercheurs financée dans le cadre de l’action Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) est un événement grand public en Europe visant à rapprocher les chercheurs du grand public, à présenter la diversité de la science et son impact sur la vie quotidienne des citoyens et à stimuler de l’intérêt pour les carrières dans la recherche, en particulier chez les jeunes. À Cardiff, la capitale du Pays de Galles et l’une des villes présentant la plus forte croissance au Royaume-Uni, l’événement est connu sous l’appellation «Diff» et il vise à faire une différence pour les communautés du Pays de Galles et au-delà. Le projet ADIFF, financé par l’UE, organisera le premier événement au Pays de Galles. Le projet tentera de faire collaborer les chercheurs et leurs partenaires de la communauté pour créer du contenu à proposer lors des célébrations de la Nuit européenne des chercheurs en 2020.


The 'Diff is how Cardiff is affectionately known. ADIFF is a European Researchers’ Night event, celebrating how EU-funded researchers are ‘making a difference’ to Welsh communities and beyond. This will be the first ever European Researchers’ Night celebration in Wales. The capital, Cardiff, is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK. Many people from the surrounding area travel to Cardiff for work, shopping and entertainment. The Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) encompasses the whole of South East Wales, home to a range of diverse communities including seven of the top ten most deprived areas in Wales. Over half of 16-24yr olds in Wales live here. Over 90% of 12/13 yr olds in the UK aspire to ‘help others’ in their working lives. Yet only 15% want to be a scientist. By focusing on how researchers are 'making a difference' to our lives and city we will engage a diverse range of young people and their influencers. Cardiff University is a large research-intensive institution, ranked 2nd in the UK for the impact of its work. Researchers will develop engaging hands-on activities supported by, award-winning specialists, Science Made Simple. These activities will be trialed at summer festivals, online where necessary, reaching some of the 20 million annual visitors to Cardiff and generating media coverage in the run-up to the main event. Researchers will also interact with schools online and/or in person to raise awareness and encourage young people into research careers The team will work with researchers and their community partners to create content to be delivered at the European Researchers’ Night celebrations in 2020. Unexpected encounters with researchers and pop-up events will take place in public spaces across the city centre and/or online over the weekend – bringing the researchers and their work to the public and showing how they are making a difference to the lives of people in Wales.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 40 435,00
CF24 0DE Cardiff

Voir sur la carte

Wales East Wales Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 40 435,00

Participants (1)