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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE


Description du projet

Des activités interactives mettent en valeur la recherche en Italie

Des stands interactifs, des expériences pratiques et des démonstrations en direct, ainsi que des projections vidéo, des jeux et des visites guidées dans les musées scientifiques: ces activités font partie de celles qui seront organisées par le projet MEET, financé par l’UE, dans le cadre des activités 2020 de la nuit européenne des chercheurs, qui se tiendra en Italie. L’objectif est de célébrer la recherche et d’offrir la possibilité aux chercheurs de se présenter, ainsi que leurs travaux, de manière ludique. L’ensemble des activités MEET visent à promouvoir la recherche et ses résultats, de même que les chercheurs et leur profession, avec une attention toute particulière apportée aux jeunes générations d’une part, et à la reconnaissance du rôle de l’Europe d’autre part.


MEETmeTONIGHT (MEET) – “Face to face with the research” is the proposal for the European Researchers’ Night in 2020, happening in the major Italian cities of Milan, Naples, Caserta and Padua, complemented by Brescia, Castellanza, Cremona, Edolo, Lecco, Lodi, Mantova, Monza, Sondrio (Lombardy region), Avellino, Portici, Procida (Campania region), Cassino, Frosinone, Gaeta, Ventotene (Lazio region) and Asiago (Veneto region). The goal is to realize a special occasion of meeting and interaction between the public at large and the world of research, where researchers – at the forefront of all the proposed activities – can show themselves and what they do, in a simple, spontaneous, informal and entertaining way, actively involving the public. People, by doing, find themselves learning, getting amused, and becoming aware of how much research is for everyone and all around us. All MEET activities aim at promoting research and its outcomes, researchers and their profession, with a special attention to the youngest generations on one side, and to the recognition of the role of Europe on the other. With one common macro-theme, detailed in five thematic areas and five slogans, MEET proposes interactive stands, hands-on experiments and live demos that reconstruct the research environment; conferences, video projections, interactive games; guided visits to scientific museums; meeting occasions with researchers; European Corners; live broadcast moments. A special attention is given to schools’ pupils, for which a number of dedicated activities are foreseen, at the goal of encouraging them to consider research career as a concrete option for their life, and to sustainability, one of the most important topics to be considered to achieve a better future.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 271 375,00
20126 MILANO

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 417 875,00

Participants (6)