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Open Researchers 2020

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OPENRESEARCHERS2020 (Open Researchers 2020)

Período documentado: 2020-05-01 hasta 2021-02-28

‘Open Researchers 2020’ is designed to increase the awareness and perception of research as a solution to the numerous challenges faced by citizens all around the world, as well as in pursuit the SDGs. ‘A science open to citizenship: Facing the challenge of creating a sustainable future for all’ is the main idea of the project, which has been conceived in a time where becomes clearer that we must join efforts to find sustainable, equal, innovative and creative solutions to achieve SDGs and the societal challenges.
Understanding that science is present in our daily lives through many disciplines involved and the environmental and human development ambitions included into the 2030 Agenda should be accompanied by a scientific culture that will prepare future citizens to a reality full of challenges.
The project's major strength is the numerous activities and a high mobilization of researchers. The experience accumulated by the project made the Night a sustainable event so that the consortium shared the experience to other events throughout the year, in which different audiences participate in different venues. Especially, the European dimension of the event was underlined directly by the active involvement of researchers that are beneficiaries of European projects, and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows, in the European Corners and in the pre-events organized before the Night.
The crisis caused by COVID-19 forced the consortium to move almost entirely to the online field, with a strong support from social networks and the support of the regional public television and the main public and private institutions in each city.
o Conception, realisation of promotional material, such as posters, programmes, roll ups, T-shirts, stickers and brochures displayed in libraries, shops and restaurants of the cities;
o Graphic and audio-visual coverage of the activities, production of 644 promotional videos and news, official acts...
o Public advertising: billboards, city lights, display of promotional material in streets;
o Advertising in public places and public transport: panels, bus stops, buses, shopping malls, buildings' facades, street marketing…
o Direct promotion during other public events;
o Airing of advertising/programmes/interviews on radio and TV stations. Media partnership with regional radio and TV station RTVA;
o Invitations sent (popular and institutional websites, municipalities and region capitals, media, schools, associations of parents/students, various associations, public services and foundations…);
o Mailings and phone calls to institutions, opinion leaders, researchers from participating institutions;
o Sending of the programme to 300 mass media;
o Organisation of almost 100 online and offline pre-events:
• Activity shared with the other Nights in Spain: online debate on September 25
• International collaboration with other 5 European Nights: shared online activity and campaign on social media
• Teaser events in public spaces and activities during other events
o Organisation of 8 press conferences and press notes prior to the event;
o Setting up and dissemination of a general press dossier;
o Co-production of a TV program with activities broadcasted on November 27 and special radio program about the Night;
o Publication of 380 articles, interviews, advertising in the main newspapers of the cities; 40 interviews and news pieces on the radio and 11 on TV;
o Revamping, constant updating of the project website;
o 161,389 visits and 399,806 pages visited on the official site;
o Revamping and updating of social networks profiles:
• 2,938 likes on Facebook, 112,736 people reached and 6,547 interactions
• 62 new followers on Twitter, 692,703 impressions and 37,200 interactions
• 2,620 likes on Instagram and impact of 33,953 users
• 644 videos uploaded on Youtube and 27,862 views
o Sending of newsletters;
o About 2.900.000 people made aware of the European Researchers' Night and its objectives.

The crisis caused by COVID-19 forced the consortium to change the successful model planned for the event in the previous years. On this occasion, the activity has moved almost entirely to the online field, with a strong support from social networks, the regional public television and the local institutions.
In 2020, the project has reached its new goals after the pandemic started:
o 16,037 users on the website (27th to 29th Nov).
o 27,862 users on Youtube (27th to 29th Nov) and 5,382 participants in the face-to-face activities.
In addition, the support of RTVA has made possible to achieve a global impact in the special activity of 27th of November of about 120,000 people.
The consortium organized 667 activities (+1.98% over 2019), as planned in the Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
o 164 hands-on experiments, science shows and workshops;
o 271 debates and micro-talks;
o 91 hands-on experiments and workshops for kids;
o 41 leisure activities;
o 8 European Corners and 1 Virtual European Corner;
The project registered the participation of 2,092 researchers this year showing their work and working to organize the event. As for their profile, the number of women researchers was again higher than men (54.06% women and 45.94% men), of whom:
o 57 researchers having benefitted from MSCA scheme
o 296 researchers having benefitted from another EU support (FP7, H2020).

o Monitoring of face-to-face activities, number of attendees booked (during the event);
o Analytics reports to know the number of users in online activities;
o Online survey of participants (during and after): sociodemographic profile of the participants, their level of satisfaction and the impact of the programme on the main public commitment to science. (Closeness and commitment to science, interest in scientific activities and research careers...);
o Questionnaires including several questions in the questionnaires directed to target public in order to know the scientific dissemination perception. The impact assessment report can be a dissemination barometer in Andalusia from direct contact with citizens. These questions were short, simple and common for all the Spaniard participants.
"Main conclusions:
o Typology of respondents: greater presence of women is confirmed, (women 59.7%, men 40.3%). 37.9% of the participants are between 31 and 45 years old, 35% are over 45 years old and 27.1% are between 18 and 30 years old. The majority level of studies among participants over 18 years is a high educational background (it has increased significantly to 87.2%, compared to 68.4% in 2019)
o Almost all the participants say that Science is ""very"" or ""quite"" useful, both for everyday life and for society in general.
o Wide consensus among the participants over 18 years who think that research needs more social recognition (75.8%) and must be better paid (91.6%).
o For 62.9% of the participants over 18 years this was the first participation in the event, although a similar percentage had previously participated in scientific dissemination activities.
o Satisfaction with the event is, as in previous editions, very high. Thus, almost 3 out of every 4 participants over 18 years old (72.8%) show a high degree of satisfaction: 8 (22.3%), 9 (18.3%) and 10 (30.3%).
o Regarding the satisfaction of researchers about the event, on a scale of 0 to 10, the average of the evaluations reached 7.64 in 2020 despite the adverse circumstances in which they have been carried out."