Project description
Connecting Macaronesian population through the universal language of science
Macaronesia is a biogeographical region comprising five archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean, four of which are inhabited and have common geographical traits and challenges. Moreover, they share a similar history since the beginning of the 15th century, when they were discovered by Portuguese and Spanish sailors. The EU-funded MACARONIGHT II project aims to organise a shared European Researchers’ Night for the Macaronesian region connecting the population of these remote islands under the umbrella of the universal language of science. The project aspires to raise public awareness of science, research and innovation, particularly amongst those in the front line of the battle against global environmental challenges.
Macaronesia is a biogeographical region of five archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean of which four are inhabited: Azores (Portugal), Canarias (Spain), Madeira (Portugal) and Cape Verde (Cape Verde). These islands share common geographical traits and challenges, and have undergone a similar history since the beginning of the 15th century when they were discovered by Portuguese and Spanish sailors. Once major strategic outposts now they are the Outermost Regions of the EU (except Cape Verde, which declared its independence from Portugal in 1975). The population of Macaronesia is around 3 million inhabitants, corresponding to the size of a smaller EU country. The overall objective of this project is to organise a shared Researchers’ Night for the Macaronesia Region connecting the population of these remote islands under the umbrella of the universal language of science. MacaroNight II aims at creating overall public awareness of science, research and innovation, especially in areas where the Region has outstanding performance even by international comparison. The main theme for MacaroNight 2020 will be a “Window to the Atlantic” creating visibility the work of scientists who are in the frontline of the battle fought against global environmental challenges working in some of the most vulnerable ecosystems of the world. By increasing visibility and international recognition of the work of scientists from the region MacaroNight II will have long-lasting beneficial impacts that could extend beyond the immediate objectives of the project.
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
38787 Santa Cruz De La Palma
The organization defined itself as SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.