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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Quantum Semiconductor Technologies Exploiting Antimony

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - QUANTIMONY (Quantum Semiconductor Technologies Exploiting Antimony)

Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2022-11-30

Quantimony is an Innovative Training Network in Quantum Semiconductor Technologies exploiting Antimony that provides high level training to 14 early stage researchers in the overarching field of semiconductors science and technology, covering all scientific and engineering aspects from material growth through to industrial exploitation.
The primary aim of the action is to optimize Europe’s research activities in the field of III-Sb by high-level training, accelerating the development of new technologies across the full range of technology readiness levels, from fundamental research at universities and research institutes through to product development and commercial production.
This will cover a wide range of areas of application, including electronics, datacoms and telecoms, energy harvesting and environmental monitoring with consequent impact on essential strategic sectors such as transport, healthcare, aerospace, defence and security.
Stakeholders from the defence and aerospace sector have historically driven the development of III-Sb technologies. Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) supply this market with products such as ultrahigh-frequency transistors and high-performance infrared and thermal detectors in small quantities and with the associated high production costs. Quantimony aims at removing these constraints to unveil the full potential of III-Sb technologies for society.
We will achieve this by using a three-fold approach of: 1) focusing on emerging applications of III-Sb with huge societal and/or commercial gains, 2) combining the most advanced scientific methods to accelerate their development, and 3) involving, from the beginning, the industrial agents which can monitor, upscale and exploit this knowledge. Through every step, a cohort of ESRs will acquire highly-demanded skills that will be directly transferable to the ever-growing and continuously evolving semiconductor industry, as well as to R&D organizations pioneering future generations of semiconductor technology.
Since the beginning of the project, an Inter-sectoral, multilevel supervision structure has been put in place to ensure excellent training and supervision of the Early Stage Researchers (ESR), as well as promoting international cooperation. During the first year of project, the consortium implemented a successful ESR recruitment strategy; by the end of the first year of project all 14 candidates, from 11 different nationalities had started their positions.
Quantimony’s Dissemination & Public Engagement Plan is being deployed as planned and so far, its implementation has resulted in 7 scientific publications linked to the project, 5 press releases and articles, 1 flyer, participation as speakers in 13 conferences and workshops and 8 outreach activities. Our website attracts visitors from all continents and social networks are active since the beginning of the project, with over 30 videos published and 45 posts. Moreover, the organisation of six network events, including the organisation of a Summer School in Madrid open to external researchers, have permitted the sharing of knowledge between project partners and PhDs and disseminate the scientific results of the network.

The consortium has designed and circulated its Exploitation Strategy, which incorporates the results of a survey circulated amongst the wider III-Sb community. The plan is currently being put into action.

From the scientific point of view, a central topic of this project is to reduce the uncertainty and gain more control over the material composition and distribution at the atomic layer level of semiconductor compounds that are defined at the nanoscale solving the difficulties brought by the incorporation of Sb atoms into the crystal lattice. During the first period, collaboration between beneficiaries and partners from different WP has been very active and is producing a clear acceleration towards this objective. This joint effort is opening new paths to improve both the epitaxial design and growth and the simulation tools used to describe III-Sb quantum semiconductors.
Quantimony will deliver a range of long term potential technological and societal benefits that will sustainably improve quality of life for the European citizen, contributing to a Europe more connected, healthier, securer, happier and environmentally sustainable.
By the end of the project, we will have established the foundations of a solid knowledge exchange ecosystem amongst the main European academic and industrial actors on the field of III-Sb semiconductors paving the way for new industrial applications.
With the Chips Act, the EU aims to double its global market share in semiconductors from 10% to at least 20% by 2030 in order to ensure the EU's future technological sovereignty. Thus QUANTIMONY, will on the first place, benefit the industrial organisations that deploy this plan with improved access to the scientific community, which will positively impact their ability to recruit skilled personnel, facilitate the communication of key market demands and technological challenges, and allow them to be better informed of the potential of III-Sb quantum materials and devices. Secondly, by developing the skills of 14 ESRs, we will be responding to the increasing demand of skilled professionals in this specific field needed by the same semiconductor industries.
Through its strong international and inter-sectoral collaboration, QUANTIMONY will strengthen European innovation capacity in digital electronics, quantum communications and green technologies addressing challenging tasks. Therefore, it responds to the societal challenges identified by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, namely Information and Communication Technologies, Advanced Materials, Resource Efficiency, Clean and Efficient Energy, Environment and Secure Societies.
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