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Spatially resolved acoustic, mechanical and ultrasonic sensing for smart batteries

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Specifications for data prepocessing

The sensoric data differ signifianctly in terms of format data type time domainsfrequencies and physical properties In order to enable the CMSBMS to work with the data all data have to be preprocessed in order to comply to a common standard In this deliverable all data preprocessing is defined and aligned to all kind of the sensor types

Clustering activities report

The interaction with other battery related LC-BAT projects, national and international initiatives and the cooridnation activities performed by CSA 2030+ will be descibed and the added value by these clustering activites is assessed.

Stakeholder workshop report

AT the end of the project, a workshop is organizsed in order to present the results of Spartacus (eventually with geusts from other LC-Bat projects) to industry partners and other stakeholders. This report describes the success of this event and critical aspects whichcame up during discussion which were not known before.

LCA methodoligical framework

In order to prepare the work in WP 6 the methodolical framework to be used to investigate life cycle aspects recyclability rsecond use and impact on environmental parameters such as CO2 is fixed and clarified

Impact assessment

Based on the impactz assessment methodology plan from D8.4 , the methodology is applied. The estimated increase of impact is described. The assemsnt is up-dated at month 36.

Report on environmental impacts of smart batteries

The effect of the smart batteries on environmental issues is analyzed and discussed in this deliverable. Although climate changing aspects play an important role, also further environmental gases and substance are evaluated that come from sensor materials or processing.

Project handbook

A project handbook is edited that is used as a guideline for Spartacus partners for interaction decision standardization contact persons etc The deliverable will be the project handbook with introductional comments explaining which important aspects were considered and if not why

Test definition

The deliverable test definition is setting up the ageing experiments and the comaprison to reference cells with defined charging decharging profiles Especially for longterm measurements this work as to be well prepared for WP7

Report on Life Cycle Cost of the smart batteries

This report investigates the development of smart batteries from an economical point of view, in particular by asssement of LCOE. this report will create a guideline for sensor development in which price regime the sensor costs and the integration costs might be for an economical advantage.

Sensor specification including consideration about energy consumption

This deliverable compiles all sensor specification important for the SPARTACUS objectives namely sensitivity resolution contstraints in terms of porcessing and assemby and details about data output

Impact assessment methodology

This report describes the methodology to provide a concept to increase the impact of Spartacus on the community battery community consumer and academic commuity

Specification for CMS /BMS

The operational guidelines to define input parameters to work with algorithms to process the input variables and the generation of output parameters in terms of charging profiles will be defined in this deliverable This guideline is to be used to define the work in WP5 in more detail

Project website and social network account

A webpage is setup that contains all relevant information about the Spartacus project and provides possibilities to interact with the consortium Similarly social network accounts are created

>3 smart battery cells V1 & report

This deliverable is the setup of at least 3 smart battery cells in one package This cell package will show the challenges that will be appearant when large cell packages are manufactured at a higher level in the project This cell setup is called V1

System level demo & report

The designed CMS / BMS is investigated on a system level taht comprises hardware, software, connection and, also, provides a first indication about the data sources by the sensors. The findings are compiled within a report


Specification for Data Pre-Processing

Author(s): Johannes Ehrlich (Fraunhofer ISC)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2020, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

SPARTACUS Workshop Report (public deliverable)

Author(s): Mikel Oyarbide
Published in: -, Issue -, 2023, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

CMS/BMS specifications

Author(s): Yves Stauffer (CSEM)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2020, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

SPARTACUS Talk at Battery Innovation Days 2022

Author(s): Gerhard Domann, Bernhard Brunner, Johannes Ziegler, Johannes Ehrlich (all Fraunhofer ISC) Antoine Latour, Nicolas Guillet (all CEA Liten) Benny Wouters (VUB)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2022, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS via Youtube

LCA Methodological Framework (public deliverable)

Author(s): Daniele Costa, Maeva Philippot, Maarten Messagie (all VUB)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2020, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

Intelligente Batterien Geladen - der Batterie-Podcast

Author(s): Gerhard Domann (Fraunhofer ISC) & Dr. Andreas Hutter (CSEM)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2022, Page(s) -
Publisher: POLiS Helmholtz-Institut Ulm

Sensor Specification

Author(s): Mathias Scherer (ElringKlinger GmbH)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2020, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

Test Definition (public deliverable)

Author(s): Mikel Oyarbide, CIDETEC
Published in: -, Issue -, 2020, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

Project Website and Social Media Accounts

Author(s): Marie-Luise Righi (Fraunhofer ISC)
Published in: -, Issue -, 2021, Page(s) -
Publisher: SPARTACUS

Selecting Suitable Battery Technologies for Untethered Robot

Author(s): Tom Verstraten; Md Sazzad Hosen; Maitane Berecibar; Bram Vanderborght
Published in: Energies, Vol 16, Iss 13, p 4904 (2023), Issue 9, 2023, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en16134904

Toward a Unified Description of Battery Data

Author(s): Simon Clark,* Francesca L. Bleken, Simon Stier, Eibar Flores, Casper Welzel Andersen, Marek Marcinek, Anna Szczesna-Chrzan, Miran Gaberscek, M. Rosa Palacin, Martin Uhrin, and Jesper Friis
Published in: Advanced Energy Materials, Issue Volume12, Issue17, 2021, ISSN 1614-6832
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202102702

Interplay between Elastic and Electrochemical Properties during Active Material Transitions and Aging of a Lithium-Ion Battery

Author(s): Simon Feiler, Philip Daubinger, Lukas Gold, Dr. Sarah Hartmann, Dr. Guinevere A. Giffin
Published in: Batteries and Supercaps, Vol.6, 4, 2023, ISSN 2566-6223
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
DOI: 10.1002/batt.202200518

Beyond the State of the Art of Electric Vehicles: A Fact-Based Paper of the Current and Prospective Electric Vehicle Technologies

Author(s): Joeri Van Mierlo; Maitane Berecibar; Mohamed El Baghdadi; Cedric De Cauwer; Maarten Messagie; Thierry Coosemans; Valéry Ann Jacobs; Omar Hegazy
Published in: World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol 12, Iss 20, p 20 (2021), Issue 9, 2021, ISSN 2032-6653
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Journals
DOI: 10.3390/wevj12010020

Hybrid electronics for smart batteries

Author(s): Latour, Antoine; Ziegler, Johannes; Ehrlich, Johannes; Brunner, Bernhard; Guillet, Nicolas; Domann, Gerhard
Published in: LOPEC 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Printed Electronics, Issue 1, 2023
Publisher: CEA

Dielectric elastomer sensors adapted for monitoring compression load of clamped battery cells

Author(s): Johannes Ziegler, Detlev Uhl, Holger Böse
Published in: Proceedings Volume 12482, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXV; 124820J (2023), 2023
Publisher: SPIE Digital Library
DOI: 10.1117/12.2658246

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