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Assistants for Healthy, Safe, and Productive Virtual Construction Design, Operation & Maintenance using a Digitial Twin

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Synthesis report on demonstration cases

This deliverable presents a report of the preparation, elaboration, execution and evaluation of all demonstration cases providing a replicable description of the implementation of the digital twin technologies on the demonstration cases and the impact of the implementations.

Best practices for digital twin-based privacy

This report details the steps the ASHVIN project took to minimize the potentials for invasive and harmful digital monitoring practices and increase communication processes within the project. This report will consist of both the description of the methodological process by which solutions were determined for platform integration and a set of best practices for ensuring construction workers’ privacy that still enhances safety in relation to digital twinning processe

Virtual Commissioning Model

The report will describe the developed configuration management processes and illustrate it using the demonstration projects

Digital twin supported lean project planning, control, and risk management

This report will describe the business and decisionmaking processes to support lean project planning control and risk management with digital twin data

An ontology for digital twin models for the construction industry

This report will describe the ontologies that will form the basis for the ASHVIN digital twin platform

Parametric design to optimize productivity, resource efficiency, and safety during early design stages

The deliverable will describe the logic of the suggested parametric design approaches developed and will illustrate their applicability by explaining their implementation on several selected demonstration projects.

Discrete event simulation formalism for productive, resource efficient, and safe construction planning

his report will describe the formalisms developed in the project to simulate construction progress using stochastic digital twin data The report will provide a detailed description of the mapped construction processes explain the method to gain stochastic productivity data and illustrate the working of the simulation method by describing the application of the tool on several selected demonstration projects

Digital Twin Interoperability in the construction industry

This deliverable presents the extract transform and load processes to enable information exchange It will be provided in the form of an IDM Information Delivery Manuals for the identified ETL processes and will describe the reference pivot model to share data and the operable Connectors associated APIs and linked data principles concerning the utilised ASHVIN tools

ASHVIN technology demonstration plan

This deliverable presents a report of the preparation elaboration execution and evaluation of all demonstration cases providing a replicable description of the implementation of the digital twin technologies on the demonstration cases and the impact of the implementations The deliverable will also provide the above shown schema for each of the demonstration projects

Visual analysis for real sensing

The document will report all the algorithms that will be deployed for extracting features of the constructions and comprise the base data for the higher level of implementations

Recommendations and options for future standardisation for Digital Building Twins at a European scale

The report will present all achievements and set of recommendations for future standardisation for Digital Building Twins at a European scale.

A set of KPIs to design for productivity, resource efficiency, and safety

This deliverable will describe the developed KPIs to design for productivity resource efficiency and safety together with guidelines for their applications The report will also describe the exemplary implementation of the KPIs on a few selected demonstration projects

Visualizing and dash-boarding construction activities based on digital twin data

The report suggests data, 3D, and 4D visualizations routines to set-up interactive dashboards for construction management, control, and risk management

Digital-Twin enabled multi-physics simulation and model matching

This deliverable presents a set of recommendations for the development of DT-enabled load tests of assets in the form of a white paper. This report provides guidance for the generation of adequate initial conditions of the assets to be used during their life span using a DT basis.

Safety and Privacy for digital twins in the construction industry

The deliverable will report the identified privacy and security requirements of the industry and will describe how these requirements have been detailed for implementation into the ASHVIN platform

Edge computing concepts for digital twin supported construction

This report will describe concepts for implementing edge computing on construction projects.

4D visualization concepts for early comparison of design alternatives according to productivity, resource efficiency, and safety

A detailed description of 4D visualization concepts for comparing different design variants concerning productivity, resource efficiency, and safety KPIs. Examples from the demonstration projects will clearly illustrate the concepts.

Dissemination and Communication Final Report

Midterm documentation of the actions taken, and outcomes achieved in relation to the promotional strategies during the first period of the project, having D4.1 as baseline. This will include the assessment of the Agile Stakeholder Management strategy

Data fusion methods and digital twin based IoT data processing pipelines

This document will report on the results of Tasks 32 and 34 describing the required data fusion mechanism to combine different collected data and suggests digital twin pipelines for updating digital twin models and ensuring possibilities to compare and match asdesigned with asbuilt data

Interoperable digital twin business and decision-making processes

The report will summarize the identified digital twin supported business and decision-making processes and will map them using clear business process mapping tools. For each of the identified processes the report will also discuss interoperability needs.

ASHVIN Asset Portfolio

Compilation of exploitable results achieved by the project, which created impact during its lifetime and with the potential to contribute for further work, research or innovations. This includes all peer-reviewed and technical publications, source code repository, open research data, educational material, and standardisation/ open source contributions.

ASHVIN Impact Master Plan

This document outlines the overall project dissemination communication and exploitation strategies providing a specific action overview for the contribution to standardisation initiatives

Evaluation and recommendations for an evidence-based design for productivity, resource efficiency, and safety based on historical digital twin data.

The deliverable will provide a detailed summary of knowledgebased system as well as machine learning attempts successful and unsuccessful and develop a balanced discussion of the possibilities for evidencebased design with recommendation for databases for the longterm storage of past digital twin data

Digital twin based geo-monitoring

The document will report concepts for advanced sensor based geomonitoring concepts for establishing accurate digital twin models of soil ground conditions and foundation structures

Risk management routines for leveraging accurate real-time construction site information

This report will propose a holistic construction risk management method that fully leverages the potential that an accurate digital twin representation of a construction site in real-time offers.

A set of KPIs to plan and monitor productive, resource efficient, and safe construction sites

This deliverable will describe the developed KPIs to plan and control productive resource efficient and safe construction sites together with guidelines for their applications The report will also describe the exemplary implementation of the KPIs on a few selected demonstration projects

Dissemination and Communication Interim Report

Midterm documentation of the actions taken and outcomes achieved in relation to the promotional strategies during the first period of the project having D41 as the baseline This will include the assessment of the Agile Stakeholder Management strategy

GIS for digitally twinned asset management

This deliverable will describe the preparation, elaboration, execution and evaluation of the GIS integrator for DT-based asset management in spatially distributed assets. A concise written report will depict the development of theH2020-LC-EEB-08-2020 : Digital Building Twins | ASHVIN Page 54system. The report will also describe the exemplary implementation of the GIS integrator on the demonstration projects.

Non-invasive processes for digital twin-based safety management

The report will suggest the developed processes for privacy ensuring safety management that leverage digital twin data. It will discuss early warning systems and strategies to improve overall safety climate at the project and company levels

SHM digital twin requirements for residential-, industrial buildings and bridges.

This deliverable presents a report of the needs for structural control on buildings initial imperfections deflections at service stability rheology and on bridges vibrations modal shapes deflections stresses based on stateoftheart imagebased and sensorbased techniques

Impact Assessment and Exploitation Final Repor

Midterm documentation of the actions taken, and outcomes achieved in relation to the promotional strategies during the first period of the project, having D4.1 as the baseline. This will include the assessment of the Agile Stakeholder Management strategy.

Impact Assessment and Exploitation Interim Report

Midterm documentation of the actions taken and outcomes achieved in relation to the promotional strategies during the first period of the project having D41 as the baseline This will include the assessment of the Agile Stakeholder Management strategy

Standardization Plan

We will review present standards existing and under development relevant for Digital Building Twins to identify gaps and impact on ASHVIN project results

A set of KPIs to plan a safe risk-based maintenance

This deliverable will describe the developed KPIs to plan and control productive, resource efficient, and safe maintenance together with guidelines for their applications. The report will also describe the exemplary implementation of the KPIs on a few selected demonstration projects.

Launch version of the ASHVIN platform

This deliverable is the IoT platform that will provide the core of the ASHVIN digital twin platform itself which will be available from the start of the project This deliverable includes the description of the launch version of the IoT platform the user manuals and practical recommendations for implementation The launch version of the IoT platform includes the required IoT main data management and securityprivacy functionalities to allow demonstration projects to start data collection early on

Availability of measured maintenance data of infrastructure for public domain

This deliverable will describe the public use of data related to the physical behaviour of assets needed for the maintenance of public infrastructure. The report will also describe the exemplary implementation of data-policy on a few selected demonstration projects

Full version of the ASHVIN digital twin platform

This deliverable is the final version of the ASHVIN platform incorporating all technical developments and content developed during the ASHVIN project, and ready for long-term exploitation after the ASHVIN project. The final version of the ASHVIN platform will provide full digital twin functionality as envisioned and described in section 1 (Impact) and will seamlessly tie in with the ten ASHVIN application that will be developed in WP 2- 5.


A Knowledge Graph-based data integration system for digital twins of built assets

Auteurs: Carlos Ramonell, Rolando Chacón, Hector Posada
Publié dans: Automation in Construction, Numéro 05/10/2023, 2023, ISSN 1872-7891
Éditeur: Automation in Construction Journal
DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105109

Open‐source terrestrial laser scanner for the virtualization of geometrical entities in AEC classrooms

Auteurs: Carlos Ramonell; Rolando Chacón
Publié dans: Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Numéro Volume30, Numéro4, 2022, Page(s) 1009-1021, ISSN 1099-0542
Éditeur: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/cae.22499

Digital twinning during load tests of railway bridges -Case Study: The high speed railway retwork, Extremadura, Spain.

Auteurs: Rolando Chacón*, Hector Posada, Carlos Ramonell, Pablo Sierra, Rahul Tomar, Christian Martinez de la Rosa, Alejandro Rodriguez, Ilias Koulalis, Konstantinos Ioannidis Stefan Wagmeister
Publié dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal, 2023, ISSN 1744-8980
Éditeur: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal
DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2023.2264840

Fusion of environmental sensors for occupancy detection in a real construction site

Auteurs: Athina Tsanousa, Chrysoula Moschou, Evangelos Bektsis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Publié dans: MDPI Sensors Journal, Numéro Special Numéro: Sensor Data Fusion Analysis for Broad Applications: 2nd Edition, 2023, ISSN 1424-8220
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s23239596

Digital twinning of building construction processes. Case study: a reinforced concrete cast-in structure

Auteurs: Chacón R., Posada H., Ramonell C, Jungmann M., Hartmann T., Khan R., Tomar R
Publié dans: the Journal of Building Engineering, Numéro 11/01/2024, 2024, ISSN 2352-7102
Éditeur: Journal of Building Engineering
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.108522

Requirements and challenges for infusion of SHM systems within Digital Twins platforms

Auteurs: Rolando Chacón, Joan R. Casas, Carlos Ramonell, Hector Posada, Irina Stipanovic & Sandra Škarić
Publié dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Numéro 28/06/2023, 2023, ISSN 1744-8980
Éditeur: Structure & Infrastructure Engineering Journal
DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2023.2225486

Detecting anomalies and de-noising monitoring data from sensors: A smart data approach

Auteurs: Weili Fang; Yixiao Shao; Peter E.D. Love; Timo Hartmann; Wenli Liu
Publié dans: Advanced Engineering Informatics, Numéro Volume 55, January 2023, 101870, 2023, ISSN 1474-0346
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2022.101870

I-Twin. Computational twin connectors for I-profiles. Towards unforeseen interoperability of digital tools

Auteurs: Hector Posada, Rolando Chacón, Carlos Ramonell
Publié dans: Eurosteel Conference 2023, Numéro 12/9/2023, 2023
Éditeur: Eurosteel Conference 2023
DOI: 10.1002/cepa.2661

On the digital twinning of routine load tests in railway bridges. Case study: high speed railway network, Extremadura, Spain

Auteurs: Chacon, R.; Posada, H.; Ramonell, C.; Sierra, P.; Rodriguez Gonzalez, A.; Koulalis, I.; Ioannidis, K.; Vrochidis, S.; Tomar, R.; Freitag, S.; Wagmeister, S.; Teodorovic, M.
Publié dans: International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Numéro 2022, 2022
Éditeur: CRC Press
DOI: 10.1201/9781003322641-98

Seasonal analysis of a 846 long steel box girder bridge using Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) and FE-models

Auteurs: Carlos Ramonell; Rolando Chacón
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Annual Stability Conference Structural Stability Research Council Charlotte, Numéro April 11-14, 2022, 2022
Éditeur: NASCC

A framework for 3D modeling of construction sites using aerial imagery and semantic NeRFs

Auteurs: Panagiotis Vrachnos, Marios Krestenitis, Ilias Koulalis, Konstantinos Ioannidis and Stefanos Vrochidis
Publié dans: 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Numéro 29/01/2024, 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-53304-4
Éditeur: 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-53302-0_13

Inspection and maintenance KPIs to support decision-making integrated into Digital Twin tool

Auteurs: Irina Stipanović, Sandra Škarić Palić, Joan Ramon Casas, Rolando Chacón, and Emir Ganić
Publié dans: Eurostruct Conference, Numéro 27 Sept 2023, 2023
Éditeur: Eurostruct Conference 2023
DOI: 10.1002/cepa.2137

Virtual construction with digital twins – The key for leanly planned complex construction systems

Auteurs: Timo Hartmann
Publié dans: Kongress Zukunft Bau Wien, Numéro 2021, 2021
Éditeur: Technische Universität Wien

A real-time discrete event simulation tool for data-based construction management

Auteurs: Manuel Jungmann (TUB) Timo Hartmann (TUB)
Publié dans: The 30th EG-ICE: International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Numéro July 4-7, 2023, 2023
Éditeur: The 30th EG-ICE

Ground-Based interferometer radars for load tests of long-span arch bridges. Case study: Almonte and El Tajo Viaducts, Extremadura, Spain

Auteurs: Alejandro Rodríguez, J. Fuente, R. Fabregad, R. Chacón, C. Ramonell
Publié dans: International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Numéro 2022, 2022, ISBN 9781003322641
Éditeur: CRC Press
DOI: 10.1201/9781003322641-271

A survey for image-based methods in construction: from images to digital twins

Auteurs: Koulalis, I., Dourvas, N., Triantafyllidis, T., Ioannidis, K., Vrochidis, S., & Kompatsiaris
Publié dans: In 19th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2022), Numéro 14-16 September 2022, 2022
Éditeur: In 19th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2022)
DOI: 10.1145/3549555.3549594

Automated pipeline for the analysis of a scale-reduced steel cable net

Auteurs: Rolando Chacón,Burkhard Krenn,Càrol Puig-Polo
Publié dans: International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures 2022, Numéro 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/cepa.1851

A combined Digital Twin and Location-Based Management System

Auteurs: Manuel Jungmann, Timo Hartmann, Rahul Tomar, Lucian Ungureanu
Publié dans: 31st annual conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Numéro June 26 - July 2, 2023, 2023
Éditeur: IGLC
DOI: 10.24928/2023/0184

Low-light image enhancement based on U-Net and Haar

Auteurs: Batziou, E., Ioannidis, K., Patras, I., Vrochidis, S., Kompatsiaris, I.
Publié dans: the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Numéro 9 - 12 January 2023, 2023
Éditeur: MMM 2023

Platology: A Digital Twin Ontology Suite for the Complete Lifecycle of Infrastructure

Auteurs: Khan, Rehan; Tomar, Rahul; Hartmann, Timo; Ungureanu, Lucian; Chacón Flores, Rolando Antonio; Ibrahim, Ahmed
Publié dans: 29th Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Numéro 2022, 2022
Éditeur: European Group for Intelligent Computing
DOI: 10.7146/aul.455.c219

Measurements, Simulation, Analysis and Geolocation in a Digital Twin tool for bridge management

Auteurs: Rolando Chacón, Carlos Ramonell Cazador, Héctor Posada Cárcamo, Rahul Tomar, Christian Martínez de la Rosa, and Irina Stipanović.
Publié dans: Eurostruct Conference 2023, Numéro 27 September2023, 2023
Éditeur: Eurostruct Conference
DOI: 10.1002/cepa.2017

Real-time duration extraction of crane works for data-driven discrete event simulation

Auteurs: Manuel Jungmann, Lucian Ungureanu , Timo Hartmann , Rolando Chacon and Hector Posada
Publié dans: Winter Simulation Conference 2022, Numéro 14-16 December 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Winter Simulation Conference 2022
DOI: 10.1109/wsc57314.2022.10015250

Closing the Gap Between Concrete Maturity Monitoring and Nonlinear Time-Dependent Fem Analysis Through a Digital Twin

Auteurs: Posada Cárcamo, Héctor José; Chacón Flores, Rolando Antonio; Ungureanu, Lucian; Garcia Carrera, David
Publié dans: 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022), Numéro 2022, 2022
Éditeur: International Association on Automation and Robotics in Construction

Geometrical digital twinning of a tapered, horizontally curved composite box girder bridge

Auteurs: Rolando Chacón,Carlos Ramonell,Càrol Puig-Polo,Enrique Mirambell
Publié dans: International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures 2022, Numéro Volume5, Numéro4, 2022, Page(s) 52-58
Éditeur: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/cepa.1727

Towards Automated Pipelines for Processing Load Test Data On A High-Speed Railway Bridge In Spain Using A Digital Twin

Auteurs: Ramonell Cazador, Carlos; Chacón Flores, Rolando Antonio
Publié dans: 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022), Numéro 2022, 2022, Page(s) 231-237, ISBN 978-952-69524-2-0
Éditeur: International Association on Automation and Robotics in Construction

Ontologies in digital twin: Methodology, lessons learned and practical approach

Auteurs: Agnieszka Mikołajczyk Raúl García-Castro Rahul Tomar Rehan Khan Wojciech Teclaw Bruno Fies Jonas Schlenger
Publié dans: Open Research Europe, Numéro 22.06.2023, 2023, ISSN 2732-5121
Éditeur: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.15271.1

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