Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BioUPGRADE (Biocatalytic upgrading of natural biopolymers for reassembly as multipurpose materials)
Reporting period: 2022-05-01 to 2023-10-31
The BioUPGRADE action combines computational biology, genomics and material sciences to realize the potential of biotechnology in sustainable manufacturing of renewable products. Our focus in on biocatalyst (enzymes) that transform major sources of renewable fibre into of high-value textiles and packaging materials, conductive inks for bioelectronics, and customized hydrogels for health and personal care products.
Our specific project objectives are to 1) design biocatalysts that introduce new chemical or physical functionality to structural polysaccharides from plant and fungal sources, 2)establish application-driven functional screens for biocatalysts in materials engineering, and 3) develop procedures for the controlled assembly of tailored bio-fibres for multipurpose bio-based materials.
Numerous complementary biophysical methods are now established to investigate the function of diverse microbial expansin. For example, we developed complementary microscopy techniques (i.e. fluorescence microscopy and TEM) to visualize expansin localization in plant cell walls. We also established methods that use small angle neutron scattering (BioSANS) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) to characterize cellulose networks after expansin treatment. Furthermore, quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) was used to compare the potential of different microbial expansins to bind cellulosic materials and alter their network structure.
In addition to studies and applications of microbial expansins, we validated the activity of a carbohydrate oxidase and transaminase cascade towards diverse hemicelluloses. These studies established methods to isolate and characterize hemicelluloses from different wood and agricultural sources, including substrates from our industry partners.
Using the characterized microbial expansins, along with engineered enzymes and carbohydrate oxidase-transaminase cascade, we have now demonstrated biocatalytic pathways to conductive inks and chemically functionalized hemicelluloses relevant to hydrogel formulations. We also demonstrated the feasibility of expansin-related proteins to enable non-lytic disruption of cellulose networks relevant to film and packaging applications.
Several mobility activities have taken place across our BioUPGRADE network, including two visits from trainees at KTH to Aalto and visits from trainees at UPM to Aalto and KTH. More than six cross-network collaborations and co-publications were also initiated, including enzymes for nanocellulose preparation (bioGUNE + Aalto), expansins for fibre fibrillation (UPM, Aalto, bioGUNE), and the production of carbohydrate oxidases and transaminases for hemicellulose valorization (KTH, Aalto). In addition to scientific publications, our research activities were further disseminated over the reporting period through eleven international conferences.
Expected outcomes until the end of the project include:
1) Decipher evolved signatures for surface-acting biocatalysts
2) Deepen our understanding of sequence and structural determinants of substrate preference among microbial expansin-related proteins, which represent untapped biocatalysts for bio-based material manufacturing
3) Establish at least three engineered enzyme systems that transform renewable biomass to demonstrator applications in conductive inks, packaging, and personal care products.
Our team created a series of project videos in an effort to increase public access to our research breakthroughs. We are also organizing a symposium at an international conference in an effort to widen our industry partnerships.