Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TSAR (Topological Solitons in Antiferroics)
Période du rapport: 2022-05-01 au 2023-10-31
We intend here to concentrate on topological phenomena in real space, and in particular topologically protected ‘objects’ (for instance magnetic skyrmions), with an energy barrier associated with a change in their topology class.
These solitonic objects have been found mainly in magnetic materials like ferromagnets and there are recent reports that ferroelectrics may also be able to host them. However, antiferroic orders like antiferromagnetism or antiferroelectricity would provide extra properties e.g. a faster control or an increased robustness.
Thus, TSAR aims at designing antiferroic materials for the nucleation and control of topological solitons using various stimuli envisioned with a particular emphasis on ultra-fast vortex light pulses carrying angular orbital momentum.
The project is mainly fundamental because it pertains to very recent advances in materials and optics. But it also targets to lead proofs-of-concept for agile, low-power, room-temperature spintronic and electronic devices based on antiferroic topological materials, which could participate in societal challenge of reduction of tomorrow’s information and communication technologies.
Regarding the challenge of writing topological AF entities, light pulses carrying OAM have been optimized and used on Synthetic Antiferromagnets (SAF), and BiFeO3. Skyrmions can now be written with OAM light in SAFs, but the role of AOM is not yet understood.
TSAR will also add novelty in the field of light/matter interactions as light angular orbital momentum will be used to write and move the entities. This should allow for an ultra-fast generation of inhomogeneous ferroic textures including more complex solitons with higher topological charges.
On the technological front, the impact of TSAR lies in the medium term, when the power consumption inherent to current-driven metal spintronic architectures will reach unsustainable levels.
The technology we will invent in this project will bring solutions to overcome these issues by providing potentially smaller, faster and lower power alternatives. Our advances will empower ICT companies and foster the development of a European based industry using topological solitons in insulators. Besides, energy saving and reducing the associated carbon emissions is perhaps the biggest societal challenge for the coming decades. The natural properties of topological objects such as AFM and AFE skyrmions in insulators should allow for their exploitation as the ultimate energy-efficient bit elements for future electronics. Therefore, technologies based on TSAR will make a crucial contribution to the drastic reduction of the energy used for computation and storage.