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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

European consortium for communicating gene- and cell-based therapy information.

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Organisation structure

MG IAP and KTC established

Translation protocols

Translation protocols established

User engagement

Report on dissemination of information produced in WP3 and user engagement with the cell and gene therapy information portal

Initial landscape mapping

Initial map of European cell and gene therapy landscapes

Digital horizon-scanning

Report on Digital Horizonscanning around cell and gene therapy

Research community hub

Report on dissemination and uptake of information produced in WP4 via the EuroGCT online research and regulatory community hub

Information review

Protocol for review of existing information with prioritised timetable for update

Capacity-building meeting

Report on first meeting to bring together professionals from around the partnership with specific responsibility for public engagementcommunicationsoutreach

NoE membership

Report on cooption of additional members into the Network of Expertise

Initial fact sheets and resources

Initial set of fact sheets and resources ready for dissemination

Translation activity

Report on translation activity

Collation of existing public engagement resources

A collated list of public engagement resources on cell and gene therapy research already held by EuroGCT partners

Independent Advisory Panel

IAP report on project activities

Resourcing, dissemination and capacity building

Report on impact of resourcing dissemination capacity building activities

Information collation

Report on collation of existing information and links on where to seek information and guidance

Information development

Report on development of cell and genebased therapy information

Audience engagement activities

Report on development and uptake of online audience engagement activities

Information ownership

Ownership of and responsibility for EuroGCT information and other outputs at the end of the funded period clearly defined

Landscape mapping

Report on mapping of European cell and gene therapy landscape at multiple levels

Public engagement resource directory

A fully searchable online directory of public engagement resources on cell and gene therapy research

EuroGCT website

Development and roll out of the EuroGCT website including architecture for tailored sections and initial integration of this site with the digital ecosystem associated with wwweurostemcellorg

Population of website

Population of EuroGCT website with first tranche of prioritised information in each section including the research and regulatory community hub

Resources on practical steps

A set of information resources on the practical steps needed for cell and gene therapy development

Decision-making resources

A suite of concise format resources suitable for decisionmakers

Fact sheets and resources

A suite of new fact sheets and resources covering a range of cell and gene therapy topics

Multilingual website

Roll out of the EuroGCT website in six additional languages

Initial information on practical steps

Initial set of information resources on practical steps needed for cell and gene therapy development


EuroGCT data management plan

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