MEMPHIS developed econometric models covering areas such as national healthcare needs and expenditures, hospital capacities and costs, pharmaceutical expenditures, dental care, health insurance, supply and demand for healthcare personnel, and healthcare programme budgeting. These models describe the relationships between a number of variables, for example the number of beds available in a hospital unit in the case of a hospital costs model, or the cost of a given drug in a pharmaceutical usage model. The PC based tool developed in the project allows past resource and expenditure data to be imported from a variety of spreadsheet and database formats, to act as further data for the models. The models can then predict the effect of changes in various healthcare factors, in areas such as bed usage in a hospital, through to the availability of trained nurses on a national scale. The tool can then be used to experiment with 'what if' scenarios, which explore the functional or financial consequences of management decisions in healthcare administration. The MEMPHIS tool has been developed into a fully featured software product and packaged as the Health Prophet system. Development continues in the state-of-the-art of econometric modelling, allowing yet more sophisticated predictive models to be implemented, and tailored to individual customers' healthcare administration and business planning requirements.