The main objective of this concerted action is to continue and validate the research carried out for the development of trophic capacity models of different bays used for mollusc culture. These models should allow, based on the hydrodynamic and sedimentary characteristics as well as on the nutrient inputs of the ecosystem, to determine in relation to the ecophysiological responses of the oysters, mussels and cockles the growth which could be reached by the shellfish culture industry and the relationship growth/cultured stock within the different geographic sectors of the ecosystem.
The ambitious objective of this concerted action is to develop a "universal" model based on the present knowledge of ecosystem models and of the physiological functions of the cultured shellfish. In 1996, a common approach using a common logical for every European Community location will be proposed. It is possible that during this comparison exercise of methods of approach and software, several models will be proposed depending on the nature and quality of the variables available as well as on the questions and conditions formulated by coastal managers (professional organisations, regions, etc.).
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CON - Coordination of research actionsCoordinator
17137 Nieul-sur-Mer