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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-04-19



The main results of the Project is the availability of SESLAB detailed design drawings. The SESLAB is a SES manned model having size close to the full scale dimensions of existing small/medium SESs to reduce as much as possible the scale effects acting on the performance simulation.
When referred to large size SESs, the available scale ratio is intermediate between towing tank actual practice and unity.
The main SESLAB feature is to perform with only one tool the simulation of a wide range of SES vessels (length range 65-160 m; displacement range 500-5000 t; speed range 40-70 kns), the measurement of the most important parameters and performances related to the design and the operation of an SES vessel (spread and powering, seakeeping, manoeuvrability, structural loads and response, functional performance of main components), the assessment of new and innovative design concepts both for the platform (parametric variation of L/B ratios and of natural heave frequency) and for the main components (alternative seal system design and air supply, alternative main lift locations at various operative parameters, alternative waterjet intake and impellers), the analysis and the presentation of test campaign results.
Nowadays there is a general need to transport passengers, car and cargoes at reasonable costs and high speed through the sea.

The most attractive type of high speed vessels seems to be the Surface Effect Ship (SES). Up to now only small and medium size SES. have been put in service for military and passengers transportation purposes.

The proposed research is oriented at studying a proposer experimental tool to be used at design stage for the production of the necessary date, and experience useful for a reliable design of a large size SES (length over 100 m) capable of speed over 50 Km with passenger, cars and cargo capabilities up to 1000 T pay load. For this reason, the research is devoted to define and design a proper ship prototype, that should be "flexible", that means able to stimulate at sea the behaviour of a wide range of ships size and payload.

The main objectives of the project are:

- Identify the proper size of the manned model.
- Realize the maximum flexibility.
- Simulate the most relevant phenomena and conditions, including those coinvolving the air cushion dynamics and other phenomena for which is not possible an evaluation on scaled model.
- Allow the maximum possible types of measurements to collect significant data for design.
- Allow a large type of experiments for the most relevant components, systems and structures.
- Decide on the basis of the cost/benefit ratio the building of a flexible manned model.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale SpA (CETENA)
Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Via al Molo Giano
16126 Calata Grazie Genova

Voir sur la carte

Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (8)