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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-10

Control of gas phase and condensend matter temperature in industrial processes

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .

Résultats exploitables

One of the main features of the modern Industrial High Temperature Processes (IHTP) are severe requirements for on-line control of production quality, process stability and safety. The main achievements of the present Project are: -- Industrial type diagnostic system for temperature monitoring and control of flame (combustion product) and condensed matter allowing to solve the following technological problems: - oxy-combustion furnaces: air replacement by O2 in combustion, gas flow rate decrease, hot spots elimination;- domestic air burners: decrease of toxic component emission (NOx, CO), burner design optimisation; - laser welding in aerospace industry: reduce the number of quality inspection and repair ratio after welding of titanium alloy TA6V and stainless steel; - plasma cladding: eliminate rejection of expensive cladded parts caused by process instability; improvement of functional properties of cladded layers (dilution, microhardness); - waste treatment by plasma torch: limit heavy metal emission and achieve required glass composition and structure stability; Diagnostic system includes Gas Phase Pyrometer (temperature range 600-2500 C, spectral range 2-4.3 µm, sampling time 20 ms) and Multiwavelength Pyrometer (temperature range 1000-3000 C, spectral range 1-1.7 µm, sampling time 15-1000 µs). -- Special optical fibre accessories (pyrometer heads, water cooled probe, objectives, Infra Red fibres and mounting mechanical systems) providing: - radiance signal telemetry of any required area in industrial installation (internal furnace or burner volume, waste melt pool, cladding or spraying zone, weld seam); ong term stability of optical elements under hostile industrial conditions (heating, dust, water condensation, etc.) Advance InGaAs photodetector (24 elements Linear Array, two-stage thermoelectric cooling element, specially designed cooled package, spectral range 0.9-1.7 µm) -- Simplified model of: - domestic air burner (empirical model based on collected experimental data on burner operation); oxy-combustion furnace (PC software based on radiance transfer model for simulation of temperature fields and heat extracted flux on the furnace load). -- Process control methodology for all end-users applications and prototype of process control system for oxy-combustion furnace containing executing elements and sensors.

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