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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Integrated Contaminated Sites Management


COSIMA will develop an integrated telematics system for environmental and planning experts to identify and cope with land sites thought to be contaminated by previous industrial use. After determining the nature and scale of contamination, site remedial action may be needed to restore safety. COSIMA will agree a common approach, developing a system with graphics and text to test data and procedures for cleaning up sites and advising prospective users of the land. The final system will be a user-friendly map-based tool contributing to economic environmentally sound urban development throughout Europe.

The COSIMA consortium comprises five cities: Cologne (DE), Cork (IE), Bologna (IT), Amsterdam (NL) and Katowice (PL). In addition three software development firms are involved: ESBI, strässle, and ESRI Italia. This group will develop a computerised Integrated Contaminated Sites Management Support System (CSMSS) to assist experts in planning, environment and other fields in remediating, assessing, registering and reinstating sites which may have been contaminated through previous use, for example, for industrial or landfill purposes.
Sites must be investigated to assess the nature and extent of contamination and the effort and resources required to make them safe and suitable for further use. COSIMA will agree a common approach for the investigation, analysis and reinstatement of contaminated sites, and will develop and implement an appropriate support and analysis system on the basis of three different Geographic Information Systems (GIS): ArcInfo, Intergraph and GRADIS-GIS.
The system will hold graphics for maps, photographs, etc, and text on procedures for testing and analysis, methods of remediation, results obtained and cross-references to standards for investigation, clean-up and re-use of sites. It will assist users by analysing sites and suggesting methods and levels of reinstatement, linking into existing computer record and analysis facilities in the cities. Common interfaces, data handling methods, reports and graphic presentation will make CSMSS appear and function the same in all participating cities.
The final system will be a standardised, user-friendly, map-based tool to support contaminated sites management. It will promote economic, environmentally sound development of cities through comprehensive and speedy analysis and processing of sites, and, being standardised, it will facilitate cooperation and development Europe-wide.

Major Validation Sites
Stadt Köln, Amt für Umweltschutz, Köln, DE
Cork Corporation, Environmental Unit, Cork, IE

The COSIMA consortium is led by cities in their capacity as telematics users. The expert staff from the local authorities in charge of contaminated sites management will define the requirements for the entire technical task, which will be carried out by the industry partners, and will verify the results.

The contaminated sites management support system will be implemented on existing GISs provided with RDBMS. This will provide the systems with an open architecture and make them interoperable. It will be designed to form an integrated tool for standardised data structure, data integration and presentation.

Expected Benefits
- increased environmental information and safety for the citizen
- quicker and more reliable environmental information for users
- improved security in planning
- better facilities for decision-making
- reduced costs of urban and regional planning
- greater attraction for inward investment
- significant advantages for supplying companies on the (GIS) market.

Contribution to EU Policies
EU policies in the field of environment and technology will be implemented in a practical working environment (i.e. in urban development). Political EU objectives will be promoted with the initiation of long-term co-operation, for instance in economic and social cohesion and through the integration of a partner from Eastern Europe.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Stadt Köln Amt für Umweltschutz
EU contribution
No data


See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (8)