The objective of Mitsui Babcock was the development and site demonstration of a corrosion probe-sniffer port assembly for the investigation of furnace wall corrosion in large coal-fired boilers.
The Mitsui Babcock corrosion probe is a simple and inexpensive device, which is designed for insertion through the membrane wall of large utility boiler furnaces. The basic preparations for the probe installation are made during a short boiler outage but thereafter the probe tips can be inserted or replaced at any time. The probe tip contains an internal thermocouple, and the temperature of the tip is normally recorded continuously throughout the period of exposure. The local furnace gas composition is sampled for chemical analysis through the sniffer ports that are situated local to the corrosion probes. This is normally carried out periodically.
The design of the corrosion probe-sniffer port assembly has been finalised, and the suitability of the probe for utility boiler application has been demonstrated during seven probing exercises of around 5,000-8,000 hours in duration, in two large pulverised coal-fired boilers in two different British power stations. The procedure for measuring the probes prior to and following exposure has also been finalised. Overall, the technique permits the measurement of the metal wastage rates with an accuracy better than +/- 0.01mm (10 microns).
The corrosion probe metal losses, the probe tip temperature histories and the furnace gas analysis data for seven probe exposure exercises are described in the report, viz:
- Ratcliffe 1, during April to December 2001,
- Ratcliffe 2, during December 2001 to August 2002
- Ratcliffe 3, during August 2002 to July 2003
- Drax 1 and 2, during December 2001 to August 2002 and
- Drax 3 and 4, during August 2002 to July 2003.
The measured metal thickness loss values for the probes, during the seven probe exposure exercises, varied between 0.023mm and 0.570mm, depending on the conditions.
The probe tip temperature histories were complex and reflected both the boiler load patterns, and the extent of ash coverage of the probes, in a way analogous to those of the furnace wall tubes. The furnace gas analysis data also showed wide variability, however the furnace wall conditions for all seven probing exercises were predominantly oxidising in nature. There was no significant evidence of flame impingement or of severely reducing conditions at any of the probing locations.
A very good correlation (R2=0.85) was found between the measured metal losses from the probe tips, from all of the probing exercises, and the cumulative time that the probe tips were exposed to temperatures in excess of 500?C. This result indicates that the rates of metal loss from the probes were controlled, to a first approximation, by the probe tip temperatures. Other factors, such as the furnace/combustion conditions, the range of fuels fired and the operating regimes of the boilers were clearly secondary effects.
This correlation is very encouraging and provides a useful baseline, reflecting the corrosion rates corresponding to predominantly oxidising conditions at the walls, against which the results of future corrosion probing data can be compared.
The majority of the work was carried out using carbon steel probe tips, since this is the most common material employed for furnace wall tubes. Some test data are available for probe tips manufactured from HCM2S, a higher grade steel. These probes were all exposed to maximum temperatures in the range 360-450?C. All of the measured metal losses were relatively low, as would have been expected for this grade of material under the conditions of the probe exposure tests.
The first corrosion probe campaign at Ratcliffe indicated that the design needed revising as the exposure temperatures of the probes were mostly above 450?C and consequently the metal loss and rate of metal loss values were high. The majority of revised design probes, which were exposed in the following tests all operated at temperatures of 450 ?C and below, and experienced low metal loss values of 0.028 -0.171mm, which correspond to average rates of metal loss of 4 - 23nm h-1. This is as would be expected for functional corrosion probes operating at these metal temperatures in mainly oxidising conditions.