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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Integrated water recycling and emission abatement in the textile industry


Increasing water consumption for industrial and domestic purposes is leading to potential water shortages within much of Europe. European industry is also faced with increasing costs for the water it uses. As large volumes of water are used in the textile processing industry, and it is widespread throughout Europe, it is a good candidate for development of water recycling and emission abatement. The consortium is aware of the importance of the textile industry for the European economy and of the potential market for more efficient, less hazardous and more environmentally friendly integrated manufacturing-dyeing processes, and effluent treatment for water recycling. The wastewater from the modern textile industry may include many types of dyes, detergents, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, grease and oils, solvents, sulphide compounds, heavy metals, inorganic salts and fibres, in amounts depending on the processing regime.
The recalcitrance and biotoxicity of many of these components of textile wastewater, together with their varying concentration, mean existing treatment systems can be unreliable. Process water must meet rigorous quality standards, and this together with the treatment difficulties makes implementation of a water reuse process very difficult. Though new dyes have lately been developed, some with increased biodegradability, the textile industry is still one of the major and most severe causes of pollution in several regions in Europe. Despite process improvements, there will always be an end-of-pipe effluent of variable composition needing treatment. Textile processing wastewater treatment would greatly benefit from reliable and inexpensive monitoring and control procedures to improve effluent quality.
This proposal is for an integrated process for the provision of recycled water of assured quality with minimum emissions. A modular treatment process is proposed, with the degree of implementation flexible according to the recalcitrance and toxicity of the waste and the local need. The complete emission abatement and water recycling scheme to be developed consists of a novel anaerobic heavy metal removing, dye adsorbing stage, an aerobic stage controlled by sensors and providing reliable treatment, and a polishing stage for use where recycling of process water is desired. The proposal fits clearly within the Environment and Climate Work Programme 2.2.3 research tasks 1-4. Clean water intake could be reduced by as much as 50-75%, final discharge of sludge to landfill by up to 60% and in addition a heavy metal recovery goal of 80% is aimed for.
Keywords: Textile wastewater, integrated emission abatement, in-process water recycling

Call for proposal

Data not available


Centro Imprese Depurazione Acque Srl
EU contribution
No data
Via Laghetto 1
22073 Fino Mornasco Como

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Total cost
No data

Participants (11)