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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-14

Develoment of advanced radar technology for application to hydrometeorology


The overall objective is to develop the understanding of advanced weather radars so as to allow improved operational monitoring of severe storms and flood warning systems. A wide range of weather conditions from North-Eastern to South-Western Europe will be studied.

Both Doppler and Polarisation techniques will be studied. Radar data will be collected at five different sites,
and selected events recorded in a central data archive. Operational Networking of two Doppler radars will be
attempted to enable fuller wind information in severe storms, and transmission of visual images across the World
Wide Web will be investigated. Data analysis will concentrate on identifying the optimal polarisation scheme
for operational use, and on the use of Doppler data to classify the radar image, and to aid both meteorological
and hydrological forecasting.
Data Analysis and Modelling will continue the work begun under the PADRE project. In polarisation analysis,
it is expected that fuller polarisation information will be available, allowing a final choice to be made for
recommendation for operational use in Europe. A wider range of anormalous propagation conditions will be
studied using Doppler radars, and data analysis will concentrate on methods to nullify anaprop. This will be
supplemented by modelling studies. Under PADRE the use of two neighbouring operational radars for dual Doppler wind-field analysis of severe storms was shown to be possible. Operational implementation will be
attempted. Three dimensional images of storms and terrain, developed under PADRE will be further developed,
with emphasis being given to communicating such images across the Web. The use of Doppler and Polarisation
data to provide added benefit to hydrometeorolical users of radar products will be investigated through
simulation and analysis of error characteristics of radar estimates of precipitation. The use of such data as input
to a mesoscale model will be investigated with the aim of improving the forecasting of likely severe weather.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Wivenhoe Park
Reino Unido

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Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (6)