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Content archived on 2024-05-21

Fuel cell systems and components general reasearch for vehicle applications ('FUERO')


Objectives and problems to be solved:
The final objective of the FUERO project is to make available advanced system and component technologies for fuel cell application on different categories of vehicles according to relevant operational requirements and consistent with sustainable life cycle and environmental impact prerequisites, including energy sources, infrastructures, fuel availability, industrial production and recycling aspects, whose analysis is also part of the project itself. Components according to specifications, established in this project will be tested and characterised in view of system and vehicle integration. A following demonstration phase, to be defined in the present project, is intended to be part of the cluster. The key issue of the project is focused on overall study and definition of the specifications of the components suitable for an optimised management of a FC powered vehicle, the LCA, the test bench evaluation and final assessment after the demonstration phase. Study of alternative fuels, hydrogen production, specification of the mission profile and the vehicle categories, specification and testing of systems and components and an assessment of the integration of the systems on the vehicle are the target of the project.
Description of Work:
The first phase studies of fuel alternatives included LCA and component community agreed specifications are defined according to different system architectures, to be supplied to the component manufacturers for the specific developments. A second phase will be dedicated to testing and characterisation of components in view of system integration, definition of demonstrators and evaluation of the relevant overall result, to make a complete frame of the fuel cell applicability on vehicle.
Expected Results and Exploitation Plans:
With the work in the FUERO project the partners bring the fuel cell technology one step closer to market introduction. Fuel cell driven vehicles can be the solution for clean and high efficient propulsion and due to the development effort all over the world automakers seem to believe that the fuel cell will eventually deliver the power and performance that drivers expect. Technical challenges, high prices and infrastructural problems will probably prevent a short-term introduction of the fuel cell technology on a wide basis in the transport sector. Therefore the efforts of five different car manufactures and two research institutes are bundled on a European level to raise the development stage of fuel cells in mobile applications. The gained knowledge and experience will strengthen the competitiveness of the European car manufactures in this promising field of technology. The results of this project will clarify the automotive industries specifications for the components of a fuel cell system to bring better understanding of the automotive industry's need to the suppliers of fuel cell technology or to establish suitable suppliers.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
10,Steinbachstrasse 10
52074 AACHEN

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (5)