To develop techniques for the determination of low concentrations of pesticides and their transformation products in the subsurface aquatic environment.
The project includes the following research tasks :
- the development and validation of practical analytical methods for the determination of low concentrations of priority pesticides and their transformation products in aquifer material;
- the identification and specification of the optimum sampling and monitoring methodologies for these pesticides in the subsurface environment;
- the demonstration of the analytical methods and monitoring protocols through their application to specific regions of the Community which have diverse hydrogeologies, agricultural practices and pesticide pollution problems.
Analysis of pesticides in aquifer materials is essential for the study of the transport mechanisms of pesticides from surface water to groundwater through the unsaturated zone. A sampling and monitoring protocol will consider important aspects of the analysis of aquifer material and groundwater from boreholes, including identification of when, where and how to sample and of appropriate techniques for pesticide determinations.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
00198 ROMA