A training course related to the application and implementation of the WP3 (Small Basin Debris Flow Impact Model) was held on the campus of the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Padova (Agripolis) at Legnaro (PD). Sessions were organized over two days. September 10, 2002, was dedicated to the presentation of DEFLIMO and the 1-D and 2-D sub-models, and also to discuss the different types and characteristics of gully-channelled debris flow, limits of models, field of applications and data set input requirements.
A typical practical-individual technical session using ten dedicated-PCs was carried out in the GIS laboratory, September 11, 2002. A report entitled "Methodological guide: case studies and applications" was prepared and given to all participants. The PDF file of this document is available on the DAMOCLES Project Website (http://damocles.irpi.cnr.it/ ).
The DEFLIMO model was installed and is being used by the Torrent Control Agency of Trento Province, Italy, by the ARPAV-Avalanche Centre of Arabba in the Veneto Region, Italy, and by the "Associazione Italiana di Idronomia", Italy. Debris flow hazard assessments obtained from the outputs of the simulation model DEFLIMO were presented to other potential end-users, including the torrent Control Agency of the Valle d'Aosta Region, the Soil Defence Agency of the Veneto Region, Italy, and the Torrent Control Agency of the Tucumáan and Mendoza Provinces of Argentina. All these potential end-users proved interested in the results obtained.
Other dissemination and training activities have been carried out by the Milano-Bicocca team. In particular, an EC Workshop and a training course were organized in Milan.
1) Damocles workshop with end-users, Milan, 21 November 2002. A full-day workshop have been organized at Università Milano-Bicocca to present the Damocles activities to the end-users. During the workshop, all the Damocles partners presented the results of their activities. More than 50 end-users participated in the workshop, coming from different Italian administrations: Lombardia Region, Piemonte Region, Valle d�Aosta Province, Trento Province, Lecco Province, Italian Geological Survey, and others.
2) Damocles training course for the Lombardia Region end-user: 10-12-17-19 December 2002. Four full-day training courses were organized at Università Milano-Bicocca. 25 people from the Lombardia Region end-user were trained in the methodologies for debris-flow and rock-fall hazard assessment developed during the Damocles Project. Training on the 3D rockfall modelling approach developed by the University of Milano Bicocca team has been completed for some technical personnel.