The SAR Permanent Scatterers (PS) Technique, developed at Politecnico di Milano and patented in 1999, is an advanced tool for monitoring from space terrain movements with millimetric accuracy.
In the framework of the MUSCL project the PS technique has been applied for monitoring terrain movements in different scenarios:
- Mediterranean coastal landslide (Ancona, Italy).
- Urban subsidence induced by a varying ground water level (Milano, Italy. San Jose Santa Clara Valley, California, USA)
- Detection of single building collapse precursors (Camaiore, Italy)
- Landslides in alpine environment (Innsbruck, Austria. Triesenberg, Liechtenstein).
PS measurements have been successfully compared (in cooperation both with MUSCL partners and public administrations) with those available from independent tools, in particular optical levelling relative to Ancona and Milano, GPS data relative to the Triesen-Triesenberg area and ground truth (Camaiore).
The comparison confirmed the theoretically derived millimetric precision of the PS Technique and its maturity for operational exploitation.