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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-24

Radionuclides Biokinetics Database


The overall aim of this Concerted Action is to improve the reliability of assessments of intakes of radionuclides and of the resulting doses delivered either to workers or, in the case of accidental releases to the environment, to the general public. Using an existing database, the Group will collate, analyse and enter in the database information from the literature on experimental studies relating to the biokinetics of compounds of radionuclides and fission products o f importance for occupational exposure. This will concern different ways of intake such as inhalation, injection, ingestion and wounds. Attention will also be focused on providing expert advice and guidance on methodology to people involved in radiation protection programmes.

The objective of this Concerted Action is to achieve a review of the biokinetic behaviour of selected radionuclides in the chemical forms that are currently encountered in facilities within the EU, following their entry into the human body by any route. This work will provide strong support for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by providing the literature reviews, which are essential for the development of the new biokinetic models that are required for the forthcoming revision of Publications 30, 54 and 78 on radiation doses to workers. The main emphasis will be on exposure to materials encountered in the industry. Data will be analysed following a common methodology, and then entered into an existing database for inhaled materials, which will be broadened to include biokinetic data following entry into the body through ingestion, injection, or wounds.

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