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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-11

Modelling of the kinetics of cementite precipitation during bainitetransformation of intercritical austenite in silicon-alloyed trip-assisted multiphase steels


Research objectives and content
This project will aim at developing a model of the kinetics of bainite transformation of intercritical austenite in silicon-bearing TRlP-assisted steels, with special focus on the cementite precipitation. Some amount of austenite can remain after bainitetransformation thanks to carbon rejection from bainitic ferrite and sufficient lag of cementite precipitation. In this framework, we want to establish a clear understanding of the influence of process parameters on the kinetics of bainite transformation.The project involves 2 parts: (1) an experimental characterisation of the evolution of the microstructure during the bainite transformation; (2) the implementation of the experimental data into a predicting model of the global kinetics of the bainite transformation taking into account the cementite precipitation.
Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
This project will give the applicant an outstanding training experience thanks to (i) the choice of the host institution which is perfectly adapted for the realisation of the project and (ii) the complementary approach of this project with respect to previous 3 years of research as a PhD student.
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
The TRlP-aided steels show a significant improvement of the steels properties. They are currently considered by the European steelmakers as a possible new grade of formable high-strength steels. To optimize their processing conditions through better understanding seems therefore essential.

Appel à propositions

Data not available


University of Cambridge
Contribution de l’UE
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Pembroke Street
CB2 3QZ Cambridge

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