The objective of ENAPS is to establish and test a permanent European network for advanced business process performance studies in European industry.
The European Network for Advanced Performance Studies (ENAPS) is intended to be a network established by leading industry and academic partners and agents covering almost all of the countries in the European Union and the European Economic Area. It is mainly limited to three industrial sectors: electronic, aerospace and automotive.
The ENAPS project will comprise three major phases:
- Network development
The objectives are to set up the network by selecting all the appropriate agents and defining the enabling communication technology.
- Business process performance requirements
The objectives are to select methods and measures for business process performance, to make the network operational.
- Test operation
The objectives are to specify a knowledge transfer package and to develop a set of demonstrators.
In addition, the ENAPS project will include project management and project exploitation.
The aim of the network is to utilize the competence and expertise in selected European industries and academic institutions for the benefit of all European industry. Performance studies, education and industrial projects are meant to stimulate performance in the enterprises and to improve their competitiveness. The network will involve larger companies, but should aim at technology transfer towards small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
When the network is established it will provide a vehicle for the European industry to do performance studies at a micro level. The studies will focus on business process best practices in the participating enterprises. By means of telecommunication, best practice experience and data will be exchanged between the participating enterprises and to interested small and medium sized enterprises through the network structure.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
EST - Marie Curie actions-Early-stage TrainingCoordinator
7034 Trondheim