The project aims at providing European aluminum producers with a powerful tool, the "Virtual Cast House", a process chain model, which will make process optimization in the cast house more efficient and economical. With this tool the cast houses keep their present competitiveness by providing tailored products of superior quality to its customers with minimum environmental impact on the European society. It will be the tool to give the cast houses the means to change the metal basis of high quality products from a primary metal alloy systems to a more recycled material base. The project brings together six major European aluminum producers, six leading universities and research institutes and one software developer. Fully integrated models will be developed for hot tearing and microstructure development during casting and homogenization, which are the phenomena that determine the productivity and product quality. The models will be verified by laboratory and full-scale experiments.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
53117 BONN