CEPBA (European Centre for Parallelism of Barcelona) performs research and development projects based on parallel computing since 1991. CESCA (Centre for Supercomputing of Catalonia) offers services based on the current leading-edge technology and on commercial applications since 1991. Both centres are co-ordinated through the "Centre de Computacio i Comunicacions de Catalunya" (C4) to optimise public resources and offer state of the art technology to the research community. Both CESCA and CEPBA were designated Large Scale Facility by the EC back in 1993. The most important aspect of both centres is that they are surrounded by a large University infrastructure with more than 3000 researchers investigating in topics that range from Computational Physics and Chemistry to pure Computer Science or Structural Dynamics. The atmosphere created by those infrastructures influences directly in the relations of local scientists with research institutions at the highest international level.
Application to the project can be done by accessing the web page of the facilities www.cesca.es/ang/projects.html. In order to apply, it is necessary to have a contact research team in one of the research institutions in the universitary network in Catalunya. In the case of not having a contact research group, it is necessary to get in touch with Josep L. Larriba-Pey at larri@ac.upc.es who will help you to find such group.
Project Manager:
Mateo Valero, Centre Europeu de Parallelisme de Barcelona, Centre de Supercomputacio de Catalunya, Jordi Girona, 1-3, Modul D6, Barcelona 008034, Spain
Tel: +34-93-4016979
Fax: +34-93-4017055
E-Mail: Mateo@ac.upc.es
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
LFC - Access to Research InfrastructuresCoordinador