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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-07

A new treatment process to recover magnetite, zinc and lead from iron and steel making dusts and sludges


Foreseen Results

Effective on-site processing by direct treatment the dusts and sludges.
The obtainment of non-ferrous metals contained as a sleable product.
The obtainment of magnetite as suitable reagent for the wastewatertreatment.
The results of the research will be applied to EU countries, where some as 6 million metric tons and dusts and sludges are annually produced.
The zinc content of Blast Furnance (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnance (BOF) dusts and sluges is relatively high, but however is generally not economical to treat these residues to recover zinc. Taking into account that they have a high iron content, removal of zinc would allow economical recovery of the iron values.

By the other hand, due the increasing rate of incorporation of galvanized steel the dusts collected in Electric Arc Furnance (EAF) installation present very high content of zinc and lead.

Therefore all these wastes are considering hazardous materials demanding, at least special, and hence costly, conditioning before disposal in landfill areas. In e near future new EC regulations will totally inhibit such disposal problem.

The available information about the treatment of BF, BOF, EAF sluges and dusts, deal with many processes based on pyro and hydrometallurgical approach, but only a few of them resulted in industrial implementation. However the existing processes still present some drawbacks, which justify the search of new approaches leading to better overall environmental and techno-economic solutions.

The processing aspects of this research, investigated : the extraction of magnetic components already present in BOF residues, the solid state reduction of BF and EAF dusts and sluges, the extraction of magnetic iron oxide formed (Fe3O4) and the utilization of flotation technique for the recovery of lead.

The proposers of this research, in carrying out the iron and steel making dusts and sludges treatment with a new process, will pay great attention to :

Recovery of non ferrous metals as a saleable product
Obtainment of iron as magnetite (Fe3O4) and it reutilization for the industrial and municipal waste water treatment
Reusing of the final residue as fluxing agent in the iron and steel making furnaces

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
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Via Unione 11

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Coste total
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Participantes (3)