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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-30

Automatic Optimisation of Preform and Tool Design in Forging - Symbolic Approach to more Efficient Development of Optimisation Systems


Objective -In this project a computational system for automatic optimisation of forming technology will be developed. The system will include numerical algorithms for optimisation of tool and preform design in order to achieve a desired geometry and material state of the product whilst maintaining a good service life for the tooling system. Three main aspects related to the development of the optimisation system will be investigated. First, how to formulate an optimisation problem which describes the intentions of the process designer in quantitative terms, secondly, how to solve the optimisation problem in a computationally efficient way and finally, how to reduce the costs of developing optimisation systems. The new developments will be applied for the solution of industrial problems. Development of the optimisation system Due to the wide variety of optimisation problems that can potentially appear in metal forming it is very important that the system can be efficiently adapted to new types of problems as well as to new developments in forming technology, material science and numerical modelling. In this project an approach will be developed where a large portion of routine work which is currently performed by system developers will be processed automatically by the computer in order to reduce the system development costs and enable experts to concentrate more on fundamental problems. This will be done by combining recent developments in computer science, in particular in computer symbolic algebra, automatic differentiation of numerical code, automatic code generation and theorem proving with state-of-the-art material models, numerical algorithms and optimisation procedures for non-linear, coupled and path dependent problems. Industrial application - A number of practical optimisation problems related to metal forming technology have been selected as target problems in order to demonstrate that the proposed approach will enable not only efficient system development but also solution of more complex industrial problems which can not be solved by currently available techniques. A forging company and manufacturer of flexible tooling systems will provide their industrial expertise and facilities to provide practical verification of theoretical results. This will promote use of new optimisation techniques in metal forming industries as well as demonstrate advantages of flexible tooling systems

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Innovation Centre University College of Wales Swan
Reino Unido

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Coste total
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Participantes (1)