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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-23

E+ - methodology development for stimulating efficient international sme- cooperation within environmental technologies, generated from science and technology parks within the eu, australia and canada


Science parks provide a medium where products and processes resulting from research and development give rise to business activity. Here the park acts as a catalyst in the transfer of technology to trade, and SMEs are the main commercial actors. The E+ initiative was set up to do on an international scale what science parks do on a regional and national scale. Environmental technology is a main area of activity of many science parks. E+ involves one such science park from one region in each of the countries involved: 4 from the Community and 2 from outside. this number will grow later. The idea was born within the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) and has its support. In the phase planned in this proposal, different methodologies for making matches between environmental technology research institutions and co-operating SMEs of the European Community and Canada and Australia, and complimenting mutual needs are tested.


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Niemenkatu 73
15140 LAHTI

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Participants (4)