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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-18

GO4IT! - Grasping opportunities for Internet and electronic commerce technologies development


The objective of GO4IT! is to support European SMEs in implementing their business and innovation plans that involve a closer approach to Internet and electronic commerce technologies. Partners and NCPs from Italy France, The Netherlands, Portugal and Norway are involved in the action and will support SMEs in the participation to IST Programme, Key Action 2 and 4, through awareness actions, technology audits, market and technology trends analysis, proposals definition assistance and partner search. GO4IT! results will be disseminated through multipliers that replicate the experience and outcomes of GO4IT!. A selection of IST RTD results in the area of Electronic Commerce and Essential Technologies will be made on the basis of the identified SMEs technology needs and will be proposed as technological solutions to be further exploited within new IST projects.


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Convocatoria de propuestas

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Participantes (4)