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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-24

Evaluating the Performance of an Object oriented Modelling bAsed on interneT


The EPOMAT project has the ambition to let the different experiences, matured in different sectors of the computer world, meet, by supplying a series of integrated services for the end users of PLC and for the designers of industrial plants/machinery. It is necessary that the end users of PLC (and control systems, in general) decidedly modify the approach to the designing automation, knowing in detailed manner the proposals of the market and the standards defined at an international level. The main point of the project is that of creating virtual places, Internet-based, where offers and demands can meet, where hardware suppliers, software suppliers and end users are able to communicate reciprocally their own experiences and their own offers through a proper standard language for the industrial automation software development.

The main results expected by the project are twofold: the creation of an Web server, which would represent the first site of an European network and the diffusion of the tools to generate software codes for industrial automation according to the standard IEC 1131-3.
The former result will contribute to the diffusion of information and the creation of working clusters;
the latter will allow working out in a better manner the software life cycle for the industrial automation. Improvements are foreseen in terms of enhancement to concurrent and cooperative system and software design, support to concurrent and co-operative software development, increase of PLC software reuse rate, achievement of given levels of software correctness and safety, support to correct software use and maintenance, production of complete and consistent system documentation.

Work description:
The project is structured into 5 workpackages.

- WP1 Requirements Specification and Analysis:
the technology providers have to analyse end users needs and to propose new solutions. In this phase, it is necessary to define a general model of interaction between end users, suppliers and IP.

- WP2 SW Integration and Tuning:
once the specifications have been agreed among technology providers and end users, the adaptations of the technologies have to be designed and implemented. The technology providers have to tune and integrate their technologies and furthermore have to develop the innovative web site with the "EPOMAT search engine".

- WP3 Test through Pilot Cases:
once the system is integrated, web site functionality and search engine behaviour have to be tested. The verification of the results will be realised through some meaningful pilot cases at the end users.

- WP4 Lesson Learnt and Dissemination:
a deep analysis of the EPOMAT tools and web site has to be performed. A general analysis about the adaptability of the EPOMAT technology will be carried out.
In parallel a precise analysis of social and economical impact on the test cases will also be done.
During the project, the EPOMAT technology will be shown to the other Italian actors (IPs, end users, PLC suppliers), trying to extend these ideas. Moreover, the Italian case solutions and results will be disseminated at a European level. It is important that other networks, similar to that developed in the EPOMAT project, may be created in Europe.

WP5 Project Management:
this section is aimed at both improving partners collaboration and reporting to the European Commission the project status.


Milestone M1 (12th month):
the main results of the project should be achieved; in particular, the Control Software Modules Library, the Modules Search Engine prototype and the Web Site.

Milestone M2 (14th month):
the testing phase has to demonstrate the advantages offered by the EPOMAT technology for the end users and suppliers.

Milestone M3 (18th month):
validation of the results achieved during the project; in particular, at project completion, an innovative way of designing and programming the PLC software code for industrial automation shall be defined.

Appel à propositions

Data not available


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (6)