Theoretical Models: Studies on business ethics, corporate values and the linkage to business strategies and corporate social responsibilities. Analysis of company codes of conduct.
VIP background research and theoretical models have been carried out in the VIP project.
- Theoretical essence of business ethics (Juhani Pekkola & Kimmo Pekkola): The study is aimed at enriching the pragmatic actions of the VIP initiative. The approach is descriptive and includes classification of research approaches on ethics, identification of value systems, cultural and business environmental impacts on ethics and documented ethical behaviour within organizations.
- Values and Ethics and CSR in Business Practice (Juhani Pekkola & Kimmo Pekkola): The study aims at describing the linkages between traditional ethics and business values. The approach is empirical and based on cases studies on current business values and their implication to the development of the VIP code. Studied cases include companies, social partners, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.
- Ethics, Business Ethics and the Role of Codes of Conduct for IST-enabled Cross-border Work Arrangements - Context Analysis: (Fritz Betz, Christa Maad, Maria Schwarz-Wolzl): In the study, three trends are identified: a) a weakness of national and supra-national institutions in elaborating normative frameworks for cross-border e-work, b) increasing power of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) as main players of globalisation, and c) the rise of a politics of morals along with emphasising the need to found work and business on a comprehensive business ethics.
- Impact analysis Critical Issues Pertaining to the The Code of Practice for e-Work across Borders (Hubert Eichmann, Bernhard Saupe, Maria Schwarz-Wolzl): The study consists of two parts. In Part A, a detailed definition of e-work and e-collaboration is developed and compared with similar theoretical concepts like telework or online-work. In Part B relevant e-work issues are discussed in a structured way and specifically the items in the 6-draft version of the Code of Practice for e-work across borders are addressed.