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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Model-driven Architecture inSTrumentation, Enhancement and Refinement


MASTER aims at providing automation for the adoption of OMG's MDA (Model Driven Architecture) approach to model complex software system families. Following an experimental approach, MASTER develops a domain-specific language to improve setting requirements with the final user and map them on to the architecture; provides mechanisms to reason, using the architecture, about system development process and project management parameters (such as cost, effort, time) since the very early stages in contract negotiation and project definition; and implements MDA concepts of separation of concerns to achieve independence from specific platform technologies and therefore enable the specialisation of resources (business knowledge separate from technological knowledge). MASTER provides tool support for automation and validates concepts in the ATM (Air Traffic Management) domain.

MASTER's objective is to perform an early validation and instrumentation of the OMG's MDA (Model Driven Architecture) concept. Detailed objectives are:
1. Provide domain-specific language techniques to improve setting requirements with the final user and mapping them on to the architecture;
2. Provide mechanisms to derive development process activities and project management parameters (cost, effort, time, etc.) by using the architecture as the basis for reasoning;
3. Implement MDA concepts of separation of concerns to achieve independence from specific platform technologies and enable specialisation of resources;
4. Provide tool support for whole MDA implementation chain: modelling systems using a domain-specific language, automate architecture based project management analysis and support transformation mappings among different levels of abstraction of MDA;
5. Contribute to the development of MDA standard within OMG.

Work description:
The work to achieve project objectives is organised in 9 work packages:
WP0: Project management, assessment and evaluation;
WP1: User requirements modelling through Domain Specific Language (DSL);
WP2: Analysis and development of Platform Independent Models (PIMs);
WP3: PIM-based process engineering and project management;
WP4: Analysis and development of Platform Specific Models (PSMs);
WP5: PIM to PSM transformation process
WP6: Provision of tool support towards automation;
WP7: Experimentation results analysis;
WP8: Dissemination and exploitation.

WP1 to WP5 develop technical results for MDA approach implementation and perform simultaneous validation on an ATM (Air Traffic Management) sub-domain. The work within technical workpackages follows the life cycle: research on technical issues, development of technical results, application on an experiment in an ATM sub-domain, and enhancement of results based on experimentation. WP6 develops the tool prototypes to (partially) automate the whole chain of technical results. Tool support will allow for the modelling of ATM systems using a domain-specific language, automate the project management analysis based on the architecture and support the transformation mappings among different levels of abstraction of an MDA approach. WP7 performs a joint analysis of experimentation results and provides a demonstrator of all the concepts and the tool support. The demonstrator is implemented in the same ATM sub-domain of previous experiments. Finally, WP0 and WP8 are general activities for project management, evaluation of achievement of project results, dissemination and exploitation of results.

Month 6, 12 and 18: Results ready at this stage are the six-month review reports and & the Dissemination & Use plan.
Month 9: Results ready at this stage are a domain specific language for effective communication with users to set requirements, techniques to model PIMs.
Month 15: Results are techniques to model PSMs for CORBA and EJB.
Month 18: Result is a mechanism to enrich architecture to provide the development process and management data.
Month 21: Result is PIM to PSM transformation process.
Month 24: Results are tool prototypes to automate concepts, a demonstrator to analyse results, dissemination material and exploitation plan, and final project reports.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)