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Content archived on 2024-05-27

Modelling, Simulation and Control of Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems


The purpose of this grant is to develop algorithms and software for the simulation and feedback control of dynamical systems which are nonsmooth, and more specifically so-called Complementarity Dynamical Systems. The research will tackle head on two fundamental fields of research and applications in this area. First that smooth numerical methods fail on nonsmooth complementarity systems. Algorithms need to be developed that deal with hit crossings, impacts, complementarity problems, sliding and chatter in a robust and applicable way. Second, the qualitative understanding of the dynamics including the design of feedback and robust control algorithms requires specific methods and cannot be solved with simple adaptations of known techniques for smooth linear or nonlinear dynamical systems.

The strategic aim of this project is the development of novel algorithms and numerical routines for the qualitative analysis, simulation and feedback control of nonsmooth complementarity dynamical systems. The output of this project will be an integrated numerical software package for the virtual prototyping of systems with discontinuities and development of novel control techniques for this class of dynamical systems. This will be achieved through an in-depth investigation of the mathematical and engineering open problems related to nonsmooth complementarily systems. Therefore, this project is clearly focused on the development over 4 years of a user friendly, versatile and computational.

The proposed research needed to achieve the objectives of the project will proceed in 7 concurrent workpackages reflecting the fact that, a lot of detail work has to be performed integrating existing results with new derivations to overcome the existing restrictions. In particular, research and development on the following key-areas will be carried out: mathematical analysis; development of numerical methods and software implementation; modeling and formalisation of the dynamics; bifurcation analysis and classification; stabilisation and control of, trajectories; applications to mechatronics and automotive systems. All through the project emphasis will be given to the activities required for the efficient management of the project and the effective dissemination and exploitation of results. The participating teams already possess a strong experience in the theoretical and numerical analysis of nonsmooth dynamical systems. This will allow the achievement of the ultimate target of the project, i.e. a user friendly, versatile and computationally effective numerical tool for complementarity dynamical systems. The validation and testing of this tool will be carried out in collaboration with the support of a group of industries which has shown a deep interest in the project scientific areas and its outcome. The management of the grant will be run like an advanced TMR network, the management of which we consider to be a workpackage in its own right with a scientific sub-coordinator. In addition, each participating team will have a representative who is responsible for the coordination of the activities at that centre.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (12)