RISK_FORCE is an accompanying measure focused on the management of natural risks: fires, floods and landslides. To serve the GMES objectives, it uses the results and assures the continuity of EC projects and studies together with national operational achievements, associating in 4 workshops the end users, the scientific entities, institutions, services and data providers, and industries. Within 15 months, RISK_FORCE will produce a shared European protocol for natural risks management, a service specification, and an implementation plan. RISK_FORCE is a decisive step towards the design of a generic European platform for natural risks management, fostering cooperation between European entities dealing with prevention, early warning, crisis management and post crisis assessment, and providing a significant contribution to both the GMES feasibility assessment, and to the preparation of a Risk integrated project as part of the 6th FP.
RISK_FORCE will associate a wide community of European actors of the natural risks management domain in order to improve data, products and service quality, according to EU orientations and policies. Outcomes of several on-going high quality studies on natural risks management will be compared with the results and lessons learned in significant operational projects and with existing means and practices. RISK_FORCE objective is thus to build upon and enrich the scope of EU funded RTD projects (such as CLIFF), and to converge towards:1-a shared vision of a Natural Risks management protocol for structuring adequate systems and services in Europe;2-services and application requirements and specifications for a common platform;3-a strategy for the next steps, compliant with the 6th FP working logic and with the principles of the first phase of the GMES action plan.
Work description:
RISK_FORCE is organised in 4 steps.
Step 1: Field validation with "feed" activities. Operational cases and RTD results are compared. The operational projects taken into account are PACTES, FFO, PROCLAQ, while the RTD studies are CLIFF, FORMIDABLE, EGERIS, OSIRIS, FORFAIT, DECIDE, RMS, WARM. All facets like operational procedures, policies, practices, regional specificities, data sources (terrestrial, airborne, space), products, services requirements, existing equipments, are addressed, taking also into account the International Charter for space data acquisition and delivery;
Step 2: Confrontation through 4 workshops. The objective is to identify the consensus built on a service vision. The issues from step 1 are presented then discussed and validated. The 4 workshops are therefore opened to the end users, public institutions, scientists, service and data suppliers and industry. They are addressing in sequence the best practices and operational concepts (workshop 1), then the risks characterization and user requirements (workshop 2), then the assessment of relevant technologies, data and products (workshop 3), and finally the preparation and agreement on a natural risks management protocol (workshop 4);
Step 3:Consolidation. The consolidation is initiated from the results of each workshop. The partners collaborate through engineering activities to build and produce, along with the feed activities, a common lexicon for risk management, the protocol for an European risk management platform, the operational requirements for such a GMES service structure, the service specifications, and then the implementation plan;
Step 4:Agreement. Users are again invited to validate the final results. In particular, the institutional bodies forming the RISK_FORCE steering committee animate and register the consensus in a final agreed version of the protocol, to approve the service definition and its proposed implementation.
Within 15 months, RISK_FORCE provides all issues able to contribute to the preparation of the 2003 official report completing the GMES initial period. In addition to a monthly report, the significant steps and outputs are:
Kick off at T0;
4 workshops at T0+4, T0+6, T0+8, and T0+12 months with their specific report and action plan;
MTR at T0+6 with an interim report and the preliminary requirements;
then FR at T0+15 with the protocol, the users requirements, service specification, and implementation plan.
Ámbito científico
CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinador