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Contenido archivado el 2024-05-27

Satellite Integrated UMTS Emulator


The SAILOR project aims at identifying, designing and demonstrating new services, verified by a proper market analysis, making use of innovative functionalities upon an integrated Terrestrial and Satellite UMTS network. This basic work will be developed in cooperation with the major leading European Standardization groups. In particular, SAILOR is expected to provide inputs and contributions to the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems S-UMTS task force. It also targets at contributing to the activities of the relevant UMTS ETSI and 3GPP standardization groups, which are involved in the development of new market scenarios for the 3G satellites systems and in the adoption of innovative mobile network tools. The project will also base its activities on other IST projects (in particular, VIRTUOUS and FUTURE, but even ARROWS, GAUSS, BRAHMS, SUITED, GEOCAST, WINE GLASS, etc.) The SAILOR project aims at identifying, designing and demonstrating new services, verified by a proper market analysis, making use of innovative functionalities upon an integrated Terrestrial and Satellite UMTS network. This basic work will be developed in cooperation with the major leading European Standardization groups. In particular, SAILOR is expected to provide inputs and contributions to the Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems S-UMTS task force. It also targets at contributing to the activities of the relevant UMTS ETSI and 3GPP standardization groups, which are involved in the development of new market scenarios for the 3G satellites systems and in the adoption of innovative mobile network tools. The project will also base its activities on other IST projects (in particular, VIRTUOUS and FUTURE, but even ARROWS, GAUSS, BRAHMS, SUITED, GEOCAST, WINE GLASS, etc.)

The project will implement a demonstrator, aiming at a complete integration between T-UMTS & S-UMTS. The demonstrator will add new functionalities that will exploit more efficiently the utilization of the satellite segment, provide a meaningful environment to implement more advanced multimedia services(broadcast, multicast)and allow a more advanced implementation of the UMTS Core Network. The demonstrator will consist of a real UMTS Core Network, to be developed through a completely innovative approach and of 2 Access Networks, to be designed through aspecific software emulator environment allowing to test the presence of a real cellular layout with multiple cells and terminals. The demonstrator will be used to carry out 2 experiments, Fully IP Based Core Network Experiment and Access Network Resources (satellite-terrestrial) Optimisation Experiment.

The work to be undertaken is divided into the following eight Workpackages:WP100 deals with program and technical management;WP200 deals with the market analysis which aims at identifying the most promising services to be provided through an integrated T-S-UMTS network;WP 300 deals with the requirement definition for the two experiments, the specification of the activities which will be experimented by means of the demonstrator and the simulator, the design of the demonstrator and the simulatorarchitecture to cope with the experiments;WP 400, 500 deal with the two considered experiments. WP 400 deals with the Fully IP Based Core Network experiment and WP 500 deals with the Access Network Resources Optimisation experiment;WP 600 aims at carrying out the final integration step and testing of the demonstrator and simulator in order to verify the overall functionality as specified in WP 300, before performing the trials;WP 700 concerns the trials relevant to the two experiments which will be carried out on the SAILOR Demonstrator;WP 800 deals with the dissemination and exploitation of results of the project. It has an important focus on contributions to the standardization bodies.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
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00156 ROMA

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Coste total
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Participantes (9)