The objective is to form a basis and to build the necessary
tools for substantial integration of wind energy into the
energy supply system of the Kola Peninsula. The work will
consist of verifying the wind potential at the Kola Peninsula and to establish a Wind Atlas, to dimension wind based
autonomous power supply systems for remote areas to assess the possibilities for large-scale integration and the economics of wind integration and, to assess and stimulate a regional
interest for wind energy, both on a political and a company
Technical Appreach
This feasibility study has a broad multi-disciplinary view and takes social, technical and economical problems into account. It is divided into two parts, where the first one essentially focuses on reviewing the material produced on the topic and the second more detailed part transforms it into a form that can be a basis for a large scale utilisation of wind energy in the
region. During the first phase, preliminary studies on the
possibilities for wind energy utilisation in the Kola Peninsula will be made. The study will focus on some key-questions on the basic possibilities for wind energy projects, i.e. wind
resource, applicability of current technology, reimbursement by utilities and general regional interest. It will also clarify the need of new information, such as wind measurements at
specific sites. The second phase will then consist of more
clearly defined work packages, which are more detailed and
produce models, tools and detailed studies that are necessary when planning large scale utilisation. In the second phase
necessary complementary information, will be produced.
Expected Achievements and Exploitation
The use of wind energy could stimulate the economic life of the region and have a significant role in the socio-economic
development except for the environmental benefit.
It is especially important to involve local Russian
enterprises, that can be in charge of a continuous
implementation of wind energy in the region. The results of the project will mainly benefit the Murmansk region of the Russian federation, through the development of infrastructure for a
future industrial use of wind energy.
The benefits are generally social and economical and will
enhance the possibilities for establishing small- and
medium-sized enterprises in the region. However, the project has also got both scientific and general interest useful for a further development of utilising wind energy. There is a huge but poorly assessed market for autonomous power supply units in the Arctic. This project opens one market for wind/diesel and other hybrid power plants. The project will also open
possibilities for joint production of arctic wind technology for new market regions. Most of all, however, the results of this feasibility study will aim at real demonstration projects of wind energy in the region.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator