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Contenu archivé le 2024-04-19

A particulate trap for light-duty Diesel vehicles


Diesel engines offer better fuel efficiency than gasoline engines. Unfortunately, they can cause air pollution by emitting particulate matter. Since diesel technology does not permit fitting three way catalysts such as those used on the exhaust of gasoline engines because of excess air, consideration should be given to installing a particulate trap.
The objective of this project is to define and develop the concept of a particulate trap for light-duty diesel vehicles. To minimize the external energy input for regeneration, an additive which decreases the soot burn-off temperature will be developed to permit its commencement by small changes in the engine parameters. Engines will be tested to analyze trap behaviour and develop a controlling and piloting system.

The work is split in four main phases : Trap development (ANSA Marmite) : A prototype trap including the ceramic filter, the canning and an exhaust throttling device will be developed for the engine tests.

Additive development (OCTEL) : Various additives will be synthesized and tested to determine their effect on particulate emissions and their catalytic efficiency on soot combustion. The optimum combination of additives will be searched to offer a solution to the principal problem of additive concentration and trap durability.

Characterization of trap behavior (IFP) : This phase is essential to get a good knowledge on trap behavior and thus developing the control system. Through engine testing, the build-up and regeneration steps will be characterized over a wide range of operating conditions. The influence of various parameters (particulate mass and composition, flow-rate...) on regeneration development will be investigated. The most promising additives will be tested particularly for their effect on burn-off temperature. The maximum mass of soot collected to ensure safe regenerations will be determined (effect of additives on heat release). The conclusions gained on additive efficiency could be used in step 2 to improve the formulation. With the idea of minimizing the external energy input, the chances to reach the regeneration temperature by changes in engine parameters (retarded timing, exhaust throttling ..) will be evaluated.

Control system development (IFP) : The data from the previous phase will be used to postulate an empirical model for representing the trap behavior. This model will be the basis of the electronic system which will be developed to ensure the Control of the trap and define the strategy for regeneration.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Avenue Napoléon Bonaparte 232

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (2)