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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-19

Targeting and design methodology for reduction of fuel, power and CO2 on total sites


A computer model will be developed with the objective to lower CO2 emissions by simultaneous optimization of production processes and site wide utility systems. This will also produce steam savings at process level of approximately 20% and at the same time avoid loss of cogeneration in retrofits. The improvement in global CO2 levels will be at least 50% better than for individual process projects.

Pinch technology concepts, which set targets prior to design for individual processes, will be used. This technology will be developed for site-wide applications by UMIST. It will, therefore, be possible to set targets for improvements and expansion opportunities in individual process units in an overall production site and simultaneously for improvements in the site's infrastructure steam system and mains, furnaces, hot oil circuits, cooling systems, etc. The combined targets will give the user strategies for an apparently overwhelming complex problem. Even the largest and most complex site will then be "translated" into manageable graphs and trade-offs. Achievable improvements could be predicted with complete confidence.
ARMINES will incorporate the environmental cost, understanding of physical impacts and possible regulatory actions (eg pollution taxes, emissions standards, etc). The following optimization will evaluate sensitivity to uncertainties and changes.

Since discontinuous operations are an essential part of most production processes, UPC will simultaneously optimize production processes and site wide utility systems, and apply these concepts to the global system that includes continuous/semi continuous and discontinuous operations. They will specify a case study, execute it and evaluate the results.

SPEC will develop further methodologies at the total site level and evaluate the overall economic impact of process modifications suggested by the methodologies. HAR will specify the requirements of the applications of the methodology and execute the case studies.

LM will be responsible for subsequent development of prototype software for the methodology. They will also validate the prototype software with an industrial application. TUHH will develop multi-objective optimization approaches for simultaneous incorporation of energy saving and environmental goals into a design and control strategy. They will also evaluate production control methods and scheduling procedures for large chemical plant sites and execute a case study.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
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Sackville Street
Reino Unido

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Coste total
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Participantes (7)