The objective of this project is to examine the efficiency of different policies which address the problems in the
transportation-energy-environment domain. The basic idea of this project is to study transport and transport energy use in function of the associated social costs: congestion, air pollution, noise, energy security and accidents. These problems will be analysed with the help of three types of tools: a partial equilibrium model for urban transport problems, a partial equilibrium model for the interregional transportations problems and a general equilibrium model for interregional transport.
The work packages have been divided into 5 groups:
1. TRENEN: urban (to analyse the introduction of social costs considerations in the pricing of urban transport);
2. TRENEN interregional passenger and freight transport models; 3. TRENEN general equilibrium approach (to model structural adjustment processes induced by congestion externalities, shortages in primary resources and tax policy);
4. TRENEN technical background (fuel choice of cars and the fuel choice in public transportation vehicles);
5. Case studies on new fuels and new transport technologies (CNG, methanol biofuels and electric vehicles); There are two types of case studies: those focusing on policies affecting the volume of transport and use of existing fuels and technologies and those which concentrate on the evaluation of alternative technologies and fuels. The first group of case studies is included in the work packages, related to the three models. The second group of case studies is included in a separate group of work packages.
The expected results for the 5 groups of work packages are the following:
1. An adaptation of an existing model (De Borger et al.) which will be tested in Dublin, on a major Belgian city and on an Italian city. 2. Interregional model calibration and case studies focusing on transport policy in Belgium and Italy.
3. A full description of the structure and characteristics of the multiregional Computable General Equilibrium model for the transportation sector. This model will be used to test the TRENEN partial equilibrium approach developed.
4. A summary description of existing and alternative transportation technologies in formats appropriate for the TRENEN models.
5. Economic evaluation of alternative car and public transportation fuels and technologies with partial urban and interregional models
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador