Proteins are ingredients of many food products. The majority of vegetable proteins derive from imported Soya. Genetically modified varieties have given Soya a bad name. Animal protein sources are connected with high production costs. The proteins of lupines are of high quality and have excellent functional properties. Because of the climatic condition lupines can be cultivated in Europe Thus, lupines represent an alternative, cheap, health-sustaining and high quality crop which has a good chance of being accepted by consumers. The project's aim's to increase the use of lupine proteins in foodstuffs and to improve food products. Participant partners will include breeders, food-ingredient manufacturers and a research institute so that a complete added-value chain can be built-up, so ensuring sales potential for the raw material. As the project is extensive, a detailed planning within the exploratory phase will precede a CRAFT-project.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
EAW - Exploratory awardsCoordinador