The quality of the skills of EU citizens is crucial for European productivity. Thus priority for Euopean governements is to ensure that every young person gets at least a basic level of skill, and that disadvantaged adults have reasonable opportunities to make up lost ground.
The purpose of the project is to contribute to the basic framework for the design of these policies. The first step is to document what is happening and to diagnose its causes. This involves a clear analysis of what is happenning to labour demand, as well as an understanding of why the pattern of supply does not respond adequately (inadequate student motivation and institutional constraints). The next step is to distill from this experience what are the most effective ways for developing the necessary skills, both in terms of curriculum and teaching methods (including the newest technology). The aim is to define for all a basic platform for learning.
The project is made of four specific studies:
1) The demand for labour by skill. To carry out the analysis of changes in labour market demand for individuals at different qualification level since early 1980s, trends in earnings and employement by qualification and skill level.
2) Supply, unemployement and earnings: by skill. Establish factors which determine the level of supply and demand for skill.
3) The profile of Educational provision. To produce a description of the content of E&T provision at the lower level, end of compulsory schooling, first level of vocational training.
4) Defining a minimum learning platform. Produce a proposal for a minimum learning platform to serve as a prototype of an individual learning entitlement.
At the beginnig a workshop will be organized for all project participants to advise on data sources for their own country. At the end a seminar will be held to present the results to a wider audience.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
United Kingdom