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Management of the development of applications in telematics engineering


The primary targets that MANDATE is pursuing, are :
- to provide support to the definition of a common approach for the preparation, specification, engineering, implementation and maintenance of telematic applications, with emphasis on efficiency and quality of results,
- to specify mechanisms that will improve consensus making and co-ordination of projects in the 4th Framework Programme, thereby contributing to convergence of technical solutions and coherence at the programme level,
- to develop information structures which can be used to catalogue 4th Framework Programme deliverables and set the basis for an information service that will enable public access to R&D results.
A strategy has been developed for structuring and cataloguing information that has been or will be produced in the area of telematics applications within the fourth Framework Programme (4th FP). The strategy provides a framework for information services so that research or technology development results may be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. It is based on the following concepts: performing an information audit; the development of an information policy; indexing and classification of the information; use of a thesaurus to control the indexing vocabulary; keyword searching, either against defined index terms, or by using free text retrieval; provision of information in defined formats.

The strategy is aimed at addressing the information needs of a wide range of people. The intended users are: persons involved in the process of classifying and indexing 4th FP deliverable items; persons involved with defining keywords, thesaurus and glossary entries for 4th FP deliverable items; persons involved in developing structures for the dissemination of 4th FP information using information servers and CD-ROM technologies.

This document is the model for use in European telematic engineering applications report, deliverable D2.1 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the project process and quality management workpackage WP2. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. A management framework has been developed called comprehensive analysis of trans European aspects of telematics applications (CANTATA). It is a structured pragmatic framework that may be used to facilitate the management of a trans European application (TTA). It should not be considered as yet another methodology for designing and implementing telematics networks, but rather as an organized set of guidelines of good management practice, which integrates and reconciles a number of existing project management methods, tools and techniques. The following models were proposed for use in a European telematic environment:
organisation model;
information model;
telematic model;
security model;
management model. The models could be used by a proposed TTA project to construct realizations for comparison and better understanding. They have been used by the partners to help ensure completeness, and to understand the implications of change.

This document is the European telematics project lifecycle management and control report, deliverable D2.2 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the project process and quality management workpackage WP2. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time date (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. This document covers the management aspects of the comprehensive analysis of trans European aspects of telematics applications (CANTATA) framework. CANTATA was constructed to assist in the management of trans European telematics applications. The framework may be used in various levels of detail, for projects ranging from development of a demonstrator to fully fledged expansive European applications. CANTATA comprises a time line representing 6 evolution stages of a trans European telematic application (TTA) from an idea to an installed, working system, and 8 management aspects requiring consideration at all stages of the evolution of the TTA. This forms a matrix of management modules, not necessarily of equal duration or importance in all projects. In each module, the TTA specific aspects (multicultural, multiautonomous, and noncompatible) were examined, giving rise to a number of issues. These issues were discussed and solutions, tools and techniques, and references suggested where possible. The CANTATA framework offers potential implementors of trans European telematics applications the benefit of past experiences by focusing on the issues particular to the trans European aspects of the TTA. The framework concentrates on the management issues in particular, and can be used through the complete development lifecycle, from the initial idea stage, through the requirements, conceptual design, implementation, and post implementation stages.

This document is the Euro application management structure and post implementation control processes report, deliverable D2.3 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the project process and quality management workpackage WP2. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results cold be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. D2.3 is the continuation of the CANTATA framework developed in MANDATE deliverable D2.2. It represents stage 6 of a trans European telematic application (TTA) evolution (ie the management of a TTA after it has been installed, commissioned and accepted by the users). This stage, arguably, represents the most difficult part of managing a TTA, since many of the TTA project personnel will move on to other projects. However, the TTA will still have to be maintained to specified levels of service in a highly volatile environment, with respect to European Union evolution, TTA partner organization evolution and TTA functionality evolution. The CANTATA framework offers potential implementors of trans European telematics applications the benefit of past experiences by focusing on the issues particular to the trans European aspects of the TTA. The framework concentrates on the management issues in particular, and can be used through the complete development lifecycle, from the initial idea stage, through the requirements, conceptual design, implementation, and post implementation stages.

This document is the European telematics application lifecycle: CANTATA overview and user guide report, deliverable D2.4 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the project process and quality management workpackage WP2. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. D2.4 provides a summary of the CANTATA framework developed in MANDATE deliverables D2.2 and D2.3 as well as guidelines as to its usage. It permits the users to understand the structure and processes of the CANTATA framework and evaluate its potential use to them, without needing recourse to the complete detailed deliverables. The CANTATA framework offers potential implementors of trans European telematics applications the benefit of past experiences by focusing on the issue particular to the trans European aspects of the trans European telematic application (TTA). The framework concentrates on the management issues in particular, and can be used through the complete development lifecycle, from the initial idea stage, through the requirements, conceptual design, implementation, and post implementation stages.

This is the European project process and quality management demonstrator tools deliverable D2.5 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the project process and quality management workpackage WP2. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. D2.5 provides a limited demonstrator showing how a personal computer can be used to gain access to the CANTATA framework developed in MANDATE deliverables D2.2 and D2.3 and manoeuvre through the stages and management aspects of a trans European telematic application (TTA), gaining access where appropriate to information and references, as well as computerized tools an
d techniques to assist in achieving a successful TTA. The CANTATA framework offers potential implementors of trans European telematics applications the benefit of past experiences by focusing on the issues particular to the trans European aspects of TTA. The framework concentrates on the management issues in particular, and can be used through to complete development lifecycle, from the initial idea stage, through the requirements, conceptual design, implementation, and post implementation stages. The demonstrator provides access to the framework, and simplifies navigation and access.

This document is the workshop organization reference manual report, deliverable 3.1 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the exploratory actions and strategic investigation workpackage WP3. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. Guidelines for the efficient organization of workshops in the telematics programme have been drawn up intended to target the following audience:
the European commission;
consortia involved, or with the intention to be involved in the programme;
potential users (professional or nonprofessional) of telematics applications. The complete workshop lifecycle was addressed, beginning with the initial idea, then analysing preworkshop activities (preparation), the actual workshop session, followed by post Workshop activities.

This document is the report for the multimedia applications in the telematics programme under the fourth framework programme: outlook and perspectives, deliverable 3.2 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the exploratory actions and strategic investigation workpackage WP3. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. This document reports on the workshop on multimedia applications held as part of the MANDATE project. It was aimed at identifying the experiences of projects in multimedia systems, and to capture: the organizational support required by projects;
the tools and skills needed;
the appropriate form of a road map and check for requirements specification;
the type of technical information which application developers would like to access. The workshop highlighted the following issues:
there are still conflicting definitions of multimedia;
standards will impact the acceptance of multimedia by end users;
a methodology is needed for capturing user requirements;
there is particular interest in modelling interactive information exchange, and embedding interactivity in applications;
the results of tool surveys made by projects should be more widely available;
there is a need for a methodology in developing international multimedia telematic applications.

This document is the project lifecycle management and requirements engineering methods report, deliverable D3.3 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the exploratory actions and strategic investigation workpackage WP3. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. The workshop on project lifecycle management was held in January 1995 in Brussels as part of the MANDATE project.

This document is the report on guidelines and methods for programme concertation and management, deliverable 3.4 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the exploratory actions and strategic investigation workpackage WP3. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. The concertation mechanism was addressed, as envisioned within the fourth framework programme.. The concertation process was defined, its constituent elements analysed, and a framework provided for its management. A number of issues leading to successful concertation mechanisms were depicted, and an implementation of the proposed framework offered.

This document is the report on the security requirements and issues in the telematics programme under the fourth framework programme: outlook and perspective, deliverable 3.5 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the exploratory actions and strategic investigation workpackage WP3. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. A workshop on security requirements and issues was held as part of the MANDATE project. It was aimed at capturing security requirements, and to raise issues concerning the development of security methodologies, techniques, techniques, and tools. The specific objectives of the workshop were: to identity some sector specific requirements for telematic applications;
to take a look towards the future of telematics and multimedia systems and services, and identify some of the future requirements and issues;
to gain insight into the results of some European Union programmes. The key security issues identified by the workshop were as follows:
the need for short term, effective solutions;
the need for the European wide use of cartographic tools;
the need for pan European legislation to support transnational interchange;
a continuing demand for information on security issues;
early consideration of security issues;
practical evaluation of generic tools/models;
concern over the use of the World Wide Web;
greater practical interchange between professional groups who have shared interests.

This document is the procedures manual and user guide report, deliverable 4.3 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the information structuring and management workpackage WP4. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. The MANDATE information strategy was described from 2 perspectives:
in terms of the organizational requirements for establishing the strategy, and setting up policies for acquiring information, processing information, storing and retrieving information, and maintaining and disseminating information;
in terms of the different users, and the roles involved in the information lifecycle. These roles are the information manager, the information provider, and the information users. The intended users are:
project and programme managers;
information providers, managers, and users;
organizations and projects wishing to apply the information strategy. The rules and guidelines for the implementation of the information strategy were presented. Practical issues were addressed, and detailed guidance given on how the strategy could be developed. The following areas were covered:
the process that organizations wishing to use the information strategy need to put in place;
a set of rules and guidelines for how information is to be accessed;
the roles and responsibilities of information providers, users, and managers;
the use of information audits, and the development of an information strategy.

This is the MANDATE project output on compact disc read only memory (CD-ROM), deliverable 5.1 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the information dissemination workpackage WP5. The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. The CD-ROM contains the outputs from the MANDATE project, structured according to the MANDATE information structure and keyword strategy (see WP4). The purpose is to disseminate MANDATE project information, and to demonstrate the information strategy. This is a pilot implementation of an information repository, and contains many of the MANDATE deliverables. It supports different access paths to the information, linked to the information classifications developed for telematics engineering, and implemented using hypertext navigation. It also features glossary links and bookmarks, and permits searching using free text retrieval.

This is the MANDATE project output on World Wide Web (WWW), deliverable 5.2 of the MANDATE project. It is part of the information dissemination workpackage (WP5). The purpose of the MANDATE project was to pave the way for horizontal activities in the area of telematics within the fourth framework programme. MANDATE aimed to establish a practical basis for coordination and concertation of future real time data (RTD) projects, and to develop a framework for information services, so that RTD results could be disseminated and exploited to a maximum degree. The World Wide Web server contains the outputs from the MANDATE project, structured according to the MANDATE information structure and keyword strategy (see WP4). This is a pilot implementation of an information repository, and contains many of the MANDATE deliverables. It supports different access paths to the information, linked to the information classifications developed for telematics engineering, and implemented using hypertext navigation. It also features searching using free text retrieval.
MANDATE is a horizontal activity aiming to develop an operational framework, wherein telematics projects can focus on the development of applications, while organisational and managerial assistance is made available to them in a consolidated and practical form. Therefore, among the basic criteria used for the specification of the high level objectives of MANDATE, were the usability, completeness and applicability of its results.

Expected Impacts

MANDATE is preparing the ground for horizontal activities, not only in the context of Telematics Engineering, but also in the Telematics Programme as a whole. The added value that can be expected from the project expands at several levels, as its contributions address aspects encountered frequently in the environment of European R&D projects. Such contributions start with the efficient management of the life-cycle of telematics applications, which eventually leads to protection of the investment in new projects. Checklists and road-maps will minimise the administrative overhead, and will help introduce in project management, proven best practices as well as a quality sensitive approach.

Work on programme concertation mechanisms on the other hand, will result in consistency of the overall programme output and improvement of inter-project communication for the purpose of achieving consensus and exchanging experiences. This can bring significant benefits, such as more frequent and reliable contributions to the standardisation process, convergence of technologies and alignment of technical solutions adopted in different domains. The report of the project on this topic will cover therefore the formation of user groups, the creation of special interest groups or other similar fora among project participants, the organisation of conferences and other open events, the edition of publications, as well as other promotional activities.

A further contribution is envisaged in the field of information dissemination and exploitation of results of the 4th Framework Programme. The 4th Framework Programme as a whole will generate an enormous amount of information which is in the public domain. Whereas access to this bulky information will be facilitated by paper based information dissemination mechanisms, access to the underlying knowledge will remain difficult for many project participants. This is due to a number of factors, such as the variety and the specifics of each participant organisation (national culture, available skills, organisational structure, etc.), the complexity of managerial and technical issues, the availability of skills and experience to solve the issues and the gap between available 'state of the art' or 'reference' material and the real-world problems.
The aim of MANDATE work in this context is to contribute to bridging the 'knowledge gap' that is likely to hamper access to information and will no doubt inhibit the smooth and efficient development of telematics projects. MANDATE is therefore studying the structure and formats to be adopted for a results repository in the 4th Framework Programme, so as to enable project participants to provide their deliverables in a more usable and exploitable form.

Target Audience

On the whole, it is estimated that MANDATE deliverables will have a multiple impact, as they will be of value to potential users (professionals or not) of telematics applications which seek to implement economic solutions based on state-of-the-art technology, consortia involved or with an intention to be involved in the 4th Framework Programme, the European Commission.

Key Results and Deliverables

The deliverables that MANDATE will produce include :
- A project life-cycle management methodology, for the development, maintenance and evaluation of trans-European telematics applications. The methodology will offer modeling capabilities for trans-European telematics applications from five different perspectives; it will be specified in a single report. An easy to use road-map and early demonstrator tools will also be available.
- A report with guidelines on the efficient organisation of workshops or other similar events from which the European Commission can obtain feedback concerning the priorities of R&D activities.
- A report proposing mechanisms for the coordination and management of the Telematics Programme.
- Three different workshops addressing: multimedia applications in the Telematics Programme, security requirements in the integrated data telematics environment, and management of trans-European telematics applications.
- A report describing the structure (taxonomy and indexing strategy) for the results repository of the 4th Framework Programme, along with a prototype CD-ROM implementing this structure.
- A user guide for projects to produce input in a form that allows for automatic integration of their results into the repository.
- A CD-ROM containing all MANDATE reports, which will be disseminated to all interested parties.

Ámbito científico

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Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


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Heroon Polytechniou 9
15775 Athens

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Participantes (5)